Monday, September 26, 2011

TI's wireless learning system.

TI's wireless learning system. This wireless classroom learning system allows teachers to assessstudent comprehension comprehensionAct of or capacity for grasping with the intellect. The term is most often used in connection with tests of reading skills and language abilities, though other abilities (e.g., mathematical reasoning) may also be examined. levels in real-time 1. real-time - Describes an application which requires a program to respond to stimuli within some small upper limit of response time (typically milli- or microseconds). Process control at a chemical plant is the classic example. and adjust their instructionto address individual student needs. TI-Navigator also aims to promoteopen discussion and interest and give shy students a means to more fullyparticipate For example, a teacher can disseminate dis��sem��i��nate?v. dis��sem��i��nat��ed, dis��sem��i��nat��ing, dis��sem��i�� To scatter widely, as in sowing seed.2. class materials,assignments and quizzes from the PCs to student handhelds. When studentrespond using the handhelds, their answer and completed assignmentsappear on the teacher's PC, often in the form of a chart. The 16-student classroom package includes a classroom kit (softwareand hardware required for a wireless connection, one student kit(includes four hubs hubs - hub serving up 16 students and a charging bay) and oneindividual hub (for the teacher or up to four additional students). The32-student package comes with one classroom kit, two student kits andone individual hub. Additional classroom package scales are available. CIRCLE #530 FOR INFORMATION Texas Instruments See TI. (company) Texas Instruments - (TI) A US electronics company.A TI engineer, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit in 1958. Three TI employees left the company in 1982 to start Compaq. TI-Navigator, System, $2,500-$4,000 (16- and 32-studentpackage costs) [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]

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