Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Study Island: Internet, pricing varies: Study Island.

Study Island: Internet, pricing varies: Study Island. Study Island is an online standards mastery and test preparationprogram, with customized content built around each of the 50states' standards. Recently added to the program are materialsbased on the Criterion-Referenced Tests A criterion-referenced test is one that provides for translating the test score into a statement about the behavior to be expected of a person with that score or their relationship to a specified subject matter. (CRT (1) (C RunTime) See runtime library.(2) (Cathode Ray Tube) A vacuum tube used as a display screen in a computer monitor or TV. The viewing end of the tube is coated with phosphors, which emit light when struck by electrons. ), built specifically on theCore Curriculum Standards that are tested annually on the CRT in grades3 through 8. Foundationally and statistically research-based, theprogram enables students to choose their style of learning and work attheir own pace, using either a standard test format or any of a varietyof interactive games. Incorrect answers are immediately addressed withan explanation, and the program records statistics for each studentusing multiple real-time reports. Teachers also have a choice of using aprintable print��a��ble?adj.1. Capable of being printed or of producing a print: printable negatives.2. Fit for publication: printable language. worksheet or classroom response pad with the program, makingStudy Island a flexible, customizable solution providing assessment,differentiated instruction Differentiated instruction (sometimes referred to as differentiated learning) is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It involves teachers using a variety of instructional strategies that address diverse student learning needs. and instant reporting.

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