Thursday, September 29, 2011
An analysis of relations among locus of control, burnout and job satisfaction in Turkish high school teachers.
An analysis of relations among locus of control, burnout and job satisfaction in Turkish high school teachers. The aim of this study was to see how teachers' burnout BurnoutDepletion of a tax shelter's benefits. In the context of mortgage backed securities it refers to the percentage of the pool that has prepaid their mortgage. isrelated to different aspects of locus of control locus of controln.A theoretical construct designed to assess a person's perceived control over his or her own behavior. The classification internal locus indicates that the person feels in control of events; external locus , job satisfaction anddemographic characteristics such as age and gender. The Job SatisfactionScale was used to measure the subjects' job satisfaction level. Inaddition, the Maslach Mas´lachn. 1. (Med.) An excitant containing opium, much used by the Turks. Burnout Inventory which was used to measuredimensions of teachers' burnout consisted of three subscales:emotional exhaustion Emotional exhaustion is a chronic state of physical and emotional depletion that results from excessive job demands and continuous hassles.[1] it describes feeling of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work. , personal accomplishment and depersonalisation Noun 1. depersonalisation - emotional dissociative disorder in which there is loss of contact with your own personal reality accompanied by feelings of unreality and strangeness . TheInternal-External Locus of Control Scale was used to measure the extentto which teachers had an internal or external locus of control. Thefindings showed that all burnout dimensions were either positively ornegatively related to independent variables. All variables werestatistically significant in predictive effect on depersonalisation.External locus of control and age (predictor variables Noun 1. predictor variable - a variable that can be used to predict the value of another variable (as in statistical regression)variable quantity, variable - a quantity that can assume any of a set of values ) were positivelyand directly related to emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout. Onlyone variable--age (predictor variable)--was significantly predictive ofpersonal accomplishment. ********** Literature In recent years, educators have become increasingly interested inthe problem of teachers' job burnout job burnoutOccupational medicine End-stage work-related stress, in which an employee functions at a 'ground state'; at greatest risk for JB are those with low incomes, no college education, and single mothers. See Burn-out. Cf Compassion fatigue. (Byrne Byrne (variations: Byrnes, O'Byrne, O'Byrnes, Burns, Beirne) meaning 'raven', is derived from the Irish name �� Broin, and is the seventh most common last name in Ireland today. History'�� Broin', the Gaelic form of 'Byrne', means descendant of Bran. , 1998; Guglielmi Guglielmi is the last name of the following two musicians: Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi Pietro Carlo Guglielmi &Tatrow, 1998). Burnout directly affects teachers' professionallives in their work, particularly through its effect on their emotionalwell-being. Burnout is defined as a negative psychological experiencethat is the reaction to job-related stress (Deutsch, 1984; Ratlif,1988). As a general term, burnout refers to a cluster of physical,emotional, and interactional symptoms including emotional exhaustion, asense of lacking personal accomplishment, and depersonalisation ofclients (Maslach, 1982). Burnout in an individual is inferred to resultfrom job strains, which may lead to maladaptive MaladaptiveUnsuitable or counterproductive; for example, maladaptive behavior is behavior that is inappropriate to a given situation.Mentioned in: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy coping responses andpoor work performance (Tang tang, in zoologytang:see butterfly fish. & Yeung, 1999). Other burnout symptomsmay include high absenteeism ab��sen��tee��ism?n.1. Habitual failure to appear, especially for work or other regular duty.2. The rate of occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty. , lack of commitment, abnormal desire forvacations, low satisfaction, self-esteem self-esteemSense of personal worth and ability that is fundamental to an individual's identity. Family relationships during childhood are believed to play a crucial role in its development. , and an inability to take workseriously (Adams, 1999; Leung, Siu, & Spector, 2000). Maslach and Jackson's (1981) burnout model has three factors:(a) 'emotional exhaustion' which describes feelings of beingemotionally over-extended and exhausted, (b) reduced 'personalaccomplishment' which is experienced as decreased feelings ofcompetence and achievement and a tendency to evaluate oneself negativelywith respect to work, (c) 'depersonalisation' which is thedevelopment of negative and cynical feelings and attitudes aboutone's profession. Literature (Adams, 1999; Wong & Cheuk, 1998)offers a complex etiological etiologicalpertaining to etiology.etiological diagnosisthe name of a disease which includes the identification of the causative agent, e.g. Streptococcus agalactiae mastitis. model of burnout, and emphasises theinteraction of individual, organisational, and societal so��ci��e��tal?adj.Of or relating to the structure, organization, or functioning of��cie��tal��ly adv.Adj. factors. Certaindemographic variables, including age, marital status marital status,n the legal standing of a person in regard to his or her marriage state. , and gender werealso found to be related to burnout (Maslach, 1982; Poulin & Walter,1993). In addition, lack of power, isolation from peers, lack of commonpurpose among staff members, and lack of collegial col��le��gi��al?adj.1. a. Characterized by or having power and authority vested equally among colleagues: "He . . . support are relatedto teachers' burnout in the literature (Brouwers & Tomic, 2000;Otwell & Mullis, 1997). In other words Adv. 1. in other words - otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke"put differently , those factors make upteachers' burnout (Formanuik, 1995). Davis and Wilson (2000), in areview of teachers' burnout and satisfaction, described theimportance of quality of work life programs as a means for reducing oreliminating teachers' burnout. Hart (1994) examined the positiveand negative experiences of teachers and found that psychologicaldistress psychological distressThe end result of factors–eg, psychogenic pain, internal conflicts, and external stress that prevent a person from self-actualization and connecting with 'significant others'. See Humanistic psychology. and morale contributed equally to teachers' overallquality of work life. Lewin's (1951) theory provides an importantbasis for studying teachers' job behaviours and attitudes. Itassumes that a person's behaviour is determined by the interactionbetween his or her personal characteristics and environmental factorswhich can influence teachers' satisfaction, thus leading toburnout. Job satisfaction is defined as a positive emotional state resultingfrom the appraisal of one's job situation and is linked with thecharacteristics and demands of one's work (Evans Ev��ans, Herbert McLean 1882-1971.American anatomist who isolated four pituitary hormones and discovered vitamin E (1922). , 2001).People's work-related satisfaction consists of achieving change andimprovement, and promoting their growth, which have importantimplications on teachers' behaviours at work and affect theirdesire to continue their work and their involvement in the job, andrelationship with other staff (Dinham & Scott, 2000; Ratlif, 1988). Locus of control is a personality variable that concernspeople's generalised Adj. 1. generalised - not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment; "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal"generalizedbiological science, biology - the science that studies living organisms expectancies that they can or cannot controlreinforcements reinforcementsreinforce npl (Mil) → renfort(s) m(pl)in their lives (Janssen & Carton, 1999). People whohold expectancies that they control reinforcements are considered to beinternals, and people who hold expectancies that outside forces or luckcontrol reinforcements are considered to be externals. Locus of controlpersonality refers to the extent to which individuals believe that theycan control events affecting them (Rotter, 1966). Individuals who havean internal locus of control (internalisers or internals) believe thatthe events in their lives are generally the result of their ownbehaviour and actions. Individuals who have an external locus of control(externalisers or externals), on the other hand, believe that events intheir lives are generally determined by chance, fate or other people.Cummins (1988) and Kobasa and Puccetti (1983) supported the hypothesisthat the relationship between stress and strain is moderated by locus ofcontrol personality. Even though some studies have explored the relationship betweenlocus of control, burnout, and job satisfaction, they are lacking in howlocus of control is related to different aspects of job attitudes forteachers in particular (Anderson Anderson, river, CanadaAnderson,river, c.465 mi (750 km) long, rising in several lakes in N central Northwest Territories, Canada. It meanders north and west before receiving the Carnwath River and flowing north to Liverpool Bay, an arm of the Arctic , Levinson, Barker barkera term for an animal that does not usually bark which makes a violent respiratory effort, often during a convulsion, accompanied by a sound which roughly resembles a dog's bark. , & Kiewra, 1999;Marso & Pigge, 1997). Ma and MacMillan (1999) believe thatteachers' job attitudes consist of multiple aspects, such as socialsatisfaction, intrinsic intrinsic/in��trin��sic/ (in-trin��sik) situated entirely within or pertaining exclusively to a part. in��trin��sicadj.1. Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing.2. and extrinsic EVIDENCE, EXTRINSIC. External evidence, or that which is not contained in the body of an agreement, contract, and the like. 2. It is a general rule that extrinsic evidence cannot be admitted to contradict, explain, vary or change the terms of a contract or of a satisfaction, role clarity,feeling of job challenge and internal work motivation. Some literature(Adams, 1999; Smith, 1997) indicates that locus of control is a criticalpsychological attribute affecting teachers' perceptions of theirenvironment and job attitudes (Somech & Drach-Zahavy, 2000). Forexample, Volansky and Habinski (1998) found that internal-external locusof control is an important personal attribute related to anindividual's organisational commitment. The researcher in this study investigated how high schoolteachers' burnout is related to different aspects of locus ofcontrol, job satisfaction, and demographic characteristics such as ageand gender. The researcher hoped that the findings of this study wouldcontribute to an understanding of the role of burnout, locus of control,job satisfaction, and demographic characteristics and the relationshipbetween them; and that the findings would be helpful for otherresearchers in policy discussions and efforts to improve teachers'quality of work life and performance in developing countries such asTurkey. Research method Research approach In this research, the researcher used a quantitative method becausethere were some advantages for using this method. For example,quantitative instruments such as scales used in this research took lesstime to administer. In addition, it was the best method to be used to beable to complete the study because the researcher had limited time.Bailey (1996) and Sari (2000a, 2002a) reported that this is the bestapproach when the researcher has limited time and limited financialresources. A quantitative approach also allowed the researcher to reacha large number of subjects as recommended in Cooligan (1996) andCreswell (1994). Moreover the quantitative data allowed the researcherto see whether there are significant associations between independentvariables (gender, age, locus of control and job satisfaction) anddependent variables (burnout and its dimensions) when using astatistical technique such as multiple regressions Multiple regressionThe estimated relationship between a dependent variable and more than one explanatory variable. because more than oneindependent variable was being used. Although the quantitative approachhas wider use among researchers all over the world on this issue, manyresearchers use the qualitative approach in Turkey. Therefore theresearcher preferred to use this approach because he wanted to generatequantitative data with which associations and relationships amongvariables can be described directly. However, if the researcher usedqualitative techniques in this study, he would not reach those subjects.Another reason for choosing the quantitative approach to collect thedata was that there was a need for the study to reach generalisableconclusions through the research findings as explained in Sari (1993,2000a). Sample Participants in this study who were randomly selected from 23 highschools were 297 teachers from all branches at high schools in Konyacity in Turkey. Each subject was sent a letter and instructionsdescribing the study, directions for completing the questionnaire, and apostage-paid envelope (which was provided for returning questionnairesdirectly to the researchers' addresses). The subjects were assuredof the anonymity and confidentiality of their responses. A total of 297subjects responded to the survey and returned the questionnaire by postwhich led to the distortion distortion,in electronics, undesired change in an electric signal waveform as it passes from the input to the output of some system or device. In an audio system, distortion results in poor reproduction of recorded or transmitted sound. of the responding sample. The questionnaireswere posted to the respondents In the context of marketing research, a representative sample drawn from a larger population of people from whom information is collected and used to develop or confirm marketing strategy. on the 1 June 2000 and the finalquestionnaire was received from the respondents at the end of October2000. Of the respondents, seven subjects had more than 10 per centmissing or incomplete answers on their questionnaires. Those subjectswere excluded from the study because it was felt that subjects who didnot answer more than 10 per cent of the questionnaire items could notevaluate teachers' job satisfaction, locus of control and theirburnout levels accurately. Thus seven subjects were excluded from thesample leaving a final sample size of 290 subjects. Of the 290 subjects,164 (56.6%) were males and 126 (43.4%) were females. The age range ofthe sample was 21 to 56 years old with a mean age of 39.76 years. Intotal, 210 subjects (72.41%) were reported to have teachingresponsibilities and 80 subjects (27.59%) were reported to have teachingresponsibilities as well as performing administrative duties. Research instruments The Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS JSS Junior Secondary SchoolJSS JICO (Joint Interface Control Officer)Support SystemJSS Javascript Style Sheets (Netscape)JSS Network Security Services for JavaJSS Joint Support Ship ), which was developed by Hackmanand Oldham (1974), was used as the instrument to measure thesubjects' job satisfaction level. This instrument consists of 14items and is designed to measure one dimension of job satisfaction. Thefrequency scale ranges from 1 (never satisfied) to 5 (stronglysatisfied); high score = high satisfaction. The JSS has a reportedinternal consistency In statistics and research, internal consistency is a measure based on the correlations between different items on the same test (or the same subscale on a larger test). It measures whether several items that propose to measure the same general construct produce similar scores. that ranges from 0.61 to 0.75. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI MBI Management Buy-InMBI Moody Bible InstituteMBI Mathematical Biosciences InstituteMBI Modular Building InstituteMBI Mechanical Breakdown InsuranceMBI Molecular Biology InstituteMBI Maslach Burnout Inventory (psychometrics)) which was developed by Maslachand Jackson Jackson.1 City (1990 pop. 37,446), seat of Jackson co., S Mich., on the Grand River; inc. 1857. It is an industrial and commercial center in a farm region. (1981) was used to measure the dimensions of teachers'burnout. It consists of 22 items forming three subscales: EmotionalExhaustion, Personal Accomplishment, and Depersonalisation. Thefrequency scale ranges from 1 (very mild, barely noticeable) to 7(major, very strong). The Emotional Exhaustion subscale consists of nine items whichdescribe feelings of being emotionally over-extended and exhausted byone's work. The five items on the Depersonalisation subscaledescribe unfeeling and impersonal im��per��son��al?adj.1. Lacking personality; not being a person: an impersonal force.2. a. Showing no emotion or personality: an aloof, impersonal manner. responses to co-workers or recipientsof services. The Personal Accomplishment subscale consists of eightitems describing feeling of competence and success about one'sachievements. The higher mean scores of Emotional Exhaustion andDepersonalisation subscales correspond to greater degrees of experiencedburnout, whereas lower scores on Personal Accomplishment correspond togreater degrees of burnout. Internal consistency of the MBI was estimated by Cronbach'salpha Cronbach's (alpha) has an important use as a measure of the reliability of a psychometric instrument. It was first named as alpha by Cronbach (1951), as he had intended to continue with further instruments. (Cronbach, 1951) for two samples (n = 1316 for frequency) and (n =1789 for intensity). The reliability coefficients for the subscaleswere: .90 for Emotional Exhaustion; .79 for Depersonalisation; .71 forPersonal Accomplishment (Maslach & Jackson, 1981). Data ontest-retest reliability test-retest reliabilityPsychology A measure of the ability of a psychologic testing instrument to yield the same result for a single Pt at 2 different test periods, which are closely spaced so that any variation detected reflects reliability of the instrument (n = 53) ranged from .53 to .89 for the sixdimensions of the MBI and were significant beyond the .001 level(Maslach & Jackson,1981). The Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, which was developedby Rotter (1966) and which is called the 'Social ReactionSurvey' for purposes of this study, was used to measure the extentto which teachers had an internal or external locus of control. Itconsists of 29 forced-choice items of which 23 are keyed and 6 arefillers. Respondents chose one statement out of each pair of 29statements. It is scored in the direction of externality ExternalityA consequence of an economic activity that is experienced by unrelated third parties. An externality can be either positive or negative.Notes:Pollution emitted by a factory that spoils the surrounding environment and affects the health of nearby residents is such that ahigher score indicates external orientation. A total score of 12 or lessout of 23 assesses an individual as internally controlled and a score of13 or more assesses one as externally controlled (high score = highexternal locus of control). Test-retest reliability estimates reportedby Rotter (1966) range from .70 to .80, and test-retest reliabilitycoefficients of.43 to .84 have been reported by Dag Dag(h)dagreat god of Celts; father of Danu. [Celtic Myth.: Parrinder, 68; Jobes, 405]See : FatherhoodDag(h)da god of abundance, war, healing. [Celtic Myth. (1991). Internalconsistency of the scale ranged from .65 to .79 (Rotter, 1966). Analysis To be able to answer the research questions, Pearson Product MomentCorrelation was used because it helped to describe the linearrelationships between two variables and Stepwise stepwiseincremental; additional information is added at each step.stepwise multiple regressionused when a large number of possible explanatory variables are available and there is difficulty interpreting the partial regression Multiple RegressionStatistical Procedures were used because the researcher wanted tounderstand high school teachers' burnout when using some predictorssuch as age, locus of control, and job satisfaction. For the analysis,the data were entered into the computer and the data were analysed usingthe Statistics Package for Social Scientists Program (SPSS A statistical package from SPSS, Inc., Chicago ( that runs on PCs, most mainframes and minis and is used extensively in marketing research. It provides over 50 statistical processes, including regression analysis, correlation and analysis of variance. 10.0). Results To determine whether there is significant predictive effect ofgender, age, locus of control, and job satisfaction as independentvariables on the dimensions of teachers' burnout as dependentvariable, a Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis technique was used.Pearson Product-Moment Coefficients were computed to determine whichindependent and dependent variables had the highest degree ofrelationship with each other (see Table 1). All burnout dimensions wereeither positively or negatively related to the independent variables.For burnout dimension, the highest relationship was a positivecorrelation Noun 1. positive correlation - a correlation in which large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other and small with small; the correlation coefficient is between 0 and +1direct correlation of.366 (p<0.01) between depersonalisation and age.Depersonalisation also showed a significant relationship with locus ofcontrol .278 (p<0.01) and gender .263 (p<0.01). Contrary to thefindings, the burnout dimension was a negative significant correlationof .269 (p<0.01) with job satisfaction. Emotional Exhaustion waspositively related to independent variables except locus of control. Thehighest relationship was a positive correlation of.289 (p<0.01) withlocus of control. Emotional Exhaustion also showed a significantnegative relationship with gender .200 (p<0.01). The burnoutdimension was not a significant correlation with age and jobsatisfaction. Of burnout dimensions, personal accomplishment waspositively and significantly related to age. There was a positivecorrelation of .238 (p<0.01) between personal accomplishment and age. Additionally, when the stepwise multiple regression was computed,gender, locus of control, and job satisfaction variables werestatistically significant in predictor effect on emotional exhaustion.Gender accounted for 3.6% of the adjusted variance The discrepancy between what a party to a lawsuit alleges will be proved in pleadings and what the party actually proves at trial.In Zoning law, an official permit to use property in a manner that departs from the way in which other property in the same locality in depersonalisationwith a multiple R of .20 (F=11.90; p<0.01). There were differences ongender in relation to emotional exhaustion. That is, female teachers hadmore emotional exhaustion than their male counterparts (see Table 5a). Asecond variable, age, entered the equation and accounted for 0.3% of theadjusted variance in the burnout dimension (F=0.038; p>0.05). Age didnot have significant effect (see Table 2). A third variable, locus ofcontrol, entered the equation and accounted for 8.4% of the adjustedvariance in the burnout dimension (F=25.67; p<0.01). Job satisfactionentered the equation and accounted for 1.1% of the adjusted variance inthe burnout dimension (F=3.91; p<0.049). All these independentvariables had a combined predictor effect on emotional exhaustion(F=10.17; p<0.01). In the burnout dimension, locus of control andgender had the highest effect. Teachers with external locus of controlhad more emotional exhaustion than teachers with internal locus ofcontrol (see Table 5b). In addition to regression analysis In statistics, a mathematical method of modeling the relationships among three or more variables. It is used to predict the value of one variable given the values of the others. For example, a model might estimate sales based on age and gender. , all variables werestatistically significant in predictive effect on depersonalisation (seeTable 3). Gender showed for 5.6% of the adjusted variance in thedimension with a multiple R of 0.243 (F=18.55; p<0.01). A secondvariable, age, entered the equation and accounted for 12.1% of theadjusted variance in the burnout dimension with a multiple R of .352(F=43.33; p<0.01). In the three steps, locus of control entered theequation and accounted for 0.10% of the adjusted variance in the burnoutdimension (F=35.66; p<0.01). In the four steps, job satisfactionentered the equation and accounted for 0.09% of the adjusted variance inthe burnout dimension (F=29.78; p<0.01). Thus all these variables hadcombined predictor effects of 29.8% (adjusted variance) ondepersonalisation (F=29.31; p<0.01). In the burnout dimension, femaleteachers with gender and external teachers with locus of control hadhigh depersonalisation (see Tables 5a and 5b). To determine whether there is a significant predictive effect ofindependent variables on personal accomplishment, a stepwise multipleregression was applied (see Table 4). Only one variable--age (apredictor variable)--was revealed to be significantly predictive of thedimension through the regression analysis which revealed that age had apredictive effect on personal accomplishment. The variable accounted for4.9% of the adjusted variance in personal accomplishment with a multipleR of .238 (F=15.05; p<0.01). Other independent variables (such asgender, LC and JS) were not revealed to be significantly predictiveeffects of the dimension through the regression analysis. Teachers'gender and locus of control differences did not indicate differentlevels on personal accomplishment (see Tables 5a and 5b). Discussion The primary aim of this study was to determine those factors whichare associated with teachers' burnout. The major strengths of thepresent study are as follows: (a) data were collected from high schoolteachers; (b) variables were measured with psychometrically soundinstruments; (c) correlation analyses for the teachers were useful incomparing the variables--emotional exhaustion ExhaustionSituation in which a majority of participants trading in the same asset are either long or short, leaving few investors to take the other side of the transaction when participants wish to close their positions. , depersonalisation, andpersonal accomplishment of burnout dimensions were either positively ornegatively related to independent variables; (d) step-by-step regression regression,in psychology: see defense mechanism. regressionIn statistics, a process for determining a line or curve that best represents the general trend of a data set. analyses were computed to test the moderating effects of locus ofcontrol, job satisfaction, age, and gender on burnout dimensions.Independent variables of the present study were found to be negativelyor positively and significant predictors of dimensions of burnout. Teachers, in general, may be strongly motivated mo��ti��vate?tr.v. mo��ti��vat��ed, mo��ti��vat��ing, mo��ti��vatesTo provide with an incentive; move to action; to strive andachieve a sense of competence and psychological success in their work.However their efforts may become frustrated frus��trate?tr.v. frus��trat��ed, frus��trat��ing, frus��trates1. a. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart: in a work settingcharacterised by unpredictability and lack of personal control. It seemsthat there are individuals who thrive in stressful environments or arenot affected by stress. This study found correlations between stress andlocus of control as indicated in Evans and Coman (1993) and Brouwers andTomic (2000). Externality is negatively related to PersonalAccomplishment as indicated by Luaenburg and Cadavid (1992). In contrastto the strong correlations among external locus of control, distress,and stressor frequency for teachers (Grannis, 1992), internal locus ofcontrol has been shown to be positively associated with low perceivedstress and correspondingly high job satisfaction (Garson & Stanwyck,1997; Schafer & McKenna, 1991). According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. the study findings,internals may be more satisfied, and perceived as having less emotionalexhaustion because the researcher assumes that they have some controlover their environmental supports. Whitebook, Howes, Darrah, andFriedman's (1982) findings indicated that if these findings arerobust, then internally locus of controlled individuals shouldexperience less stress than externally locus of controlled individuals.Unwillingness to work may be a major cause of despair anddissatisfaction which may lead to burnout as indicated in Woolfolk andHoy's (1990) and Gaziel and Sabbatical's (1995) studies. In burnout dimensions, the highest relationship in this researchwas a positive correlation between depersonalisation and age.Depersonalisation also showed a significant relationship with externallocus of control and gender. Contrary to the results of Lunenberg andCadavid's (1992) research findings, the burnout dimension was anegative significant correlation with job satisfaction. On the basis of the results presented in this study, it can beconcluded that there was a significant relationship between age,external locus of control, gender and depersonalisation of burnoutdimensions. Job satisfaction was also found to be a negative significantpredictor of the depersonalisation dimension of burnout. High schoolteachers with job satisfaction had low depersonalisation with theirwork. The research findings support Hui and Chan's (1996) argumentsthat satisfied teachers perceived low stress with their work. Accordingto Smith (1997), depersonalisation showed a significant relationshipwith external locus of control and gender. The results of this studysupported Capel's (1992) study which described how individuals withan external locus of control may have few coping strategies The German Freudian psychoanalyst Karen Horney defined four so-called coping strategies to define interpersonal relations, one describing psychologically healthy individuals, the others describing neurotic states. or highburnout. These individuals may be experiencing burnout and not makingappropriate adjustments to their situational problems. They may beperceiving these events as being outside their control (externalcontrol). The present study results show parallels with Claxton andCatalan's (1998) study which indicated depersonalisation isassociated with gender and that females had lower depersonalisationscores than males. As mentioned in the study of Claxton and Catalan (1998), whichshows that burnout is related to age, younger workers tended to obtainhigher burnout scores than older workers and also higher scores onanxiety. However Friedman (1995) explained that experienced and olderteachers showed high burnout mean scores particularly ofdepersonalisation. The present research findings indicated thatemotional exhaustion was positively related to external locus ofcontrol. Emotional exhaustion also showed a significant negativerelationship with gender and job satisfaction. However burnout dimensionwas not a significant correlation with age. Only three of the variableshave statistically significant predictive effect on gender, externallocus of control, and job satisfaction with regression analysis. Theresearch results show that external locus of control is positivelyrelated to burnout dimensions--in particular, emotional exhaustion anddepersonalisation. In other words, high school teachers who have anexternal locus of control in the present study perceive more burnout inemotional and depersonalisation dimensions than the teachers withinternal locus of control. These results corroborated cor��rob��o��rate?tr.v. cor��rob��o��rat��ed, cor��rob��o��rat��ing, cor��rob��o��ratesTo strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain. See Synonyms at confirm. with previousstudies of Leung et al. (2000). The findings of this study indicated an association betweenexternal locus of control and emotional exhaustion. In other words,teachers in Turkey are more likely to have emotional burnout than theheadteachers have. That is, the teachers perceive themselves as beingbored, as being helpless and hopeless hopelessTerminal care Futile. See Medical futility. compared with others in theirprofession, as indicated in Adams (1999). When viewing the results ofthe profile of a burned out teacher, the study results indicated thatsuch teachers exhibited a tendency to be more externally controlled,which indicates that those teachers would be less likely to chooselong-term Long-termThree or more years. In the context of accounting, more than 1 year.long-term1. Of or relating to a gain or loss in the value of a security that has been held over a specific length of time. Compare short-term. teaching than their non-burned-out counterparts. As mentionedby Swearingen (1990), emotional exhaustion involves feelings ofhelplessness helplessness,n a perception held by a person because of which he or she feels powerless or unable to act independently. Typically associated with persons diagnosed with chronic disease. and hopelessness hopelessnessPsychology Bleak expectations, usually about oneself or one's future. See Depression. . The results of this study suggested thatthe teachers in Turkey do not see themselves as being comfortablebecause of having high level emotional exhaustion. Since there was alsoa correlation between burned out teachers and their external controlscores, this indicated that Turkish teachers who had burnout also viewthemselves more negatively than their non-burned-out colleagues. Internal locus of control is negatively associated with emotionalexhaustion as indicated in Rahim (1996). It may be possible that jobstress and emotional exhaustion are not a major problem forinternalisers. This study provides support for the literature (Sari,2000b) on emotional exhaustion related to locus of control, which is oneof the important factors in burnout. The internally controlled teachersare more likely to perceive themselves in a more positive manner; thatis, they see and feel themselves as being trustworthy and responsible asindicated in Sari (1993). In this research, the findings indicated that burnout was not asignificant correlation with age. The findings demonstrate that age iseffective on depersonalisation. Compared with a large reference groupconsisting of a wide variety of teachers investigated by Gold (1992),the younger teachers did not report higher levels of emotionalexhaustion and depersonalisation than did older teachers. When femaleteachers entered and began their careers, a slow but steady increase inemotional exhaustion was reported by Frank and McKenzie (1993). Thisresult was supported by the present research findings. Of burnout dimensions, personal accomplishment is positively andsignificantly related to age. However there is not a significantrelationship with other independent variables. Only one variable--age(predictor variable)--is revealed to be significantly predictive of thedimension through the regression analysis. As explained in Maslach andJackson (1981), Maslach (1982) and Brunetti (2001), the results in thisstudy indicate that male and female teachers are fairly similar in theirexperience of burnout and personal accomplishment. Further externalteachers have personal accomplishment and psychological burnout as muchas internal ones. Personal accomplishment was found to be more strongly related toage in this study. Bellani and Furlani's (1996) findings indicatedthe importance of individual characteristics in developing burnout andpersonal accomplishment. Regarding other independent variables, age wasthe only one which is significantly related to burnout: the younger thesubjects, the higher the burnout. Young age also emerges as asignificant predictor for a low level of personal accomplishment. Thefindings showed that older teachers are the most personally accomplishedand this may be interpreted as follows: younger teachers, because oflack of experience, are more prone than older ones to an excessive jobinvolvement leading them to burnout. Some demographic factors (includinggender and age), job satisfaction, and external locus of control arerelated to burnout dimensions. As some researchers (Sari, 2002b; Starnaman & Miller, 1992)maintained, burnout can influence directly or indirectly the quality ofwork life within the school. According to these researchers, however,school administrators should be careful about teachers for factors notonly related to teachers' burnout and job satisfaction, but alsobecause of what can be done to improve the quality of work life in theschool. The study results also suggest that school administrators shouldbe concerned with teachers' job burnout, as increasing demands canadversely affect their well-being, and perhaps the well-being of theirstudents. Implications for practice As mentioned before, the results of this study indicated thatemotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and personal accomplishment ofburnout dimensions were either positively or negatively related toindependent variables, which were found to be negatively or positively,and significant predictors of dimensions of burnout. The resultsindicated that high school teachers with job satisfaction had lowdepersonalisation with their work. In addition, high school teachers whohave an external locus of control perceive more burnout in emotional anddepersonalisation dimensions than the teachers with internal locus ofcontrol. These results corroborated with previous studies of Leung etal. (2000). In other words, the teachers perceive themselves as beingbored, as being helpless and hopeless compared with others in theirprofession in Turkey. The results of this study raised the issues thatthe teachers in Turkey do not see themselves as being comfortablebecause of having high level emotional exhaustion. This may be linked tothe current education system which is centralised Adj. 1. centralised - drawn toward a center or brought under the control of a central authority; "centralized control of emergency relief efforts"; "centralized government"centralized which leads to moreautocratic and antidemocratic feelings among teachers than the teacherswho work in a decentralised Adj. 1. decentralised - withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities; "a decentralized school administration"decentralized education system like in England whereteachers and headteachers feel themselves more comfortable because ofhaving enough support from the administrators and from colleagues in thedemocratic atmosphere (Sari, 2000a). The findings showed that younger teachers, because of lack ofexperience, are more prone than older ones to an excessive jobinvolvement leading them to burnout. According to the research findings,school administrators should be careful about teachers for factors notonly related to teachers' burnout and job satisfaction, but alsobecause of what can be done to improve the quality of work life in theschool. The study results suggest that school administrators should beconcerned with teachers' job burnout, as increasing demands canadversely affect their well-being, and perhaps the well-being of theirstudents as reported in Smith (1997). The results of this research havesome implications for teachers in high schools. If an educational systemwill strive for excellence, the implications for the practice explainedbelow should be taken into account: 1 Intervention A procedure used in a lawsuit by which the court allows a third person who was not originally a party to the suit to become a party, by joining with either the plaintiff or the defendant. programs can be prepared in co-operation withadministrators and counsellors to prevent teachers' stress andburnout, as indicated in Sari (2002a). 2 In the light of educational journals and books which could beprovided for the teachers and headteachers as a preventive preventive/pre��ven��tive/ (pre-vent��iv) prophylactic. pre��ven��tiveor pre��ven��ta��tiveadj.Preventing or slowing the course of an illness or disease; prophylactic.n. strategy,they may widen wid��en?tr. & intr.v. wid��ened, wid��en��ing, wid��ensTo make or become wide or wider.widen��er n. their knowledge about burnout and broaden theirperspectives to increase their self-confidence to cope with burnout. 3 Teachers should endeavour to attend stress-managementinterventions, not only for themselves but to understand others aroundthem better. 4 Understanding the nature of a teacher profession may be the bestapproach to prevent burnout of teachers, particularly the amount of workthey do, as reported in Adams (1999). 5 Increased dissatisfaction may lead to an erosion of overallteacher satisfaction, and therefore it needs to be considered closely byall responsible authorities and professionals. Suggestions for future research Future research can expand the findings of this research, which isnecessary to determine the associations among locus of control, stress,and career intentions. The researchers should also investigate whetherteachers' locus of control becomes more internal with promotion.Keywordsageburnoutjob satisfactionlocus of controlsecondary school teachersstress managementTable 1 Relationships between burnout, locus of control andjob satisfaction of high school teachers EEB DB PAGender -r- -0.200 ** 0.263 ** 0.114 -P- 0.001 0.000 0.059Age -r- -0.012 0.366 ** 0.238 ** -P- 0.846 0.000 0.000LC -r- 0.289 ** 0.278 ** 0.000 -P- 0.000 0.000 0.996JS -r- -0.109 -0.269 ** 0.041 -P- 0.074 0.000 0.516Notes: EE=Emotional Exhaustion; DP=Depersonalisation; PA=PersonalAccomplishment; LO=Locus of Control; JS=Job Satisfaction** p = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).Table 2 Locus of control, job satisfaction and demographiccharacteristics on emotional exhaustion of burnout dimensionsof the teachers Adjusted Std error ofVariables R R square R square the estimate F pGender 0.20 0.04 0.036 5.23 11.90 ** 0.001Age 0.012 0.0001 0.003 5.34 0.038 0.846LO 0.289 0.084 0.080 5.07 25.67 ** 0.000JS 0.12 0.014 0.011 5.19 3.91 * 0.049Total 0.37 0.13 0.124 4.85 10.17 0.001* p < 0.05** p < 0.01Table 3 Locus of control, job satisfaction, and demographiccharacteristics on depersonalisation of burnout dimensions in theteachers Adjusted Std error ofVariables R R square R square the estimate F pGender 0.243 0.059 0.056 4.38 18.55 ** 0.000Age 0.352 0.124 0.121 4.24 43.33 ** 0.000LC 0.331 0.110 0.107 4.29 35.66 ** 0.000JS 0.313 0.098 0.095 4.41 29.78 ** 0.000Total 0.550 0.308 0.298 3.92 29.31 ** 0.001** p < 0.01Table 4 Locus of control, job satisfaction and demographiccharacteristics on personal accomplishment of burnoutdimensions in the teachers Adjusted Std error ofVariables R R square R square the estimate F pGender 0.106 0.011 0.008 3.390 3.135 0.078Age 0.229 0.052 0.049 3.330 15.05 ** 0.000LO 0.002 0.000 0.004 3.370 0.01 0.980JS 0.065 0.004 0.000 3.336 1.13 0.280Total 0.246 0.061 0.055 3.210 3.95 ** 0.004* p < 0.05** p <0.01Table 5a Burnout levels according to gender Female (n=164) Male (n=126)Burnout dimensions M SD M SDEmotional Exhaustion 12.22 5.10 9.97 5.29Depersonalisation 3.62 2.85 6.26 5.28Personal Accomplishment 22.09 3.37 22.92 3.46Table 5b Burnout levels of teachers with internal-externallocus of control Internal (n=166) External (n=124)Burnout dimensions M SD M SDEmotional Exhaustion 10,515 5,559 11,193 4,800Depersonalisation 3,940 2,806 7,305 6,294Personal Accomplishment 23,130 3,337 22,172 3,469 Acknowledgement The researcher would like to present his special thanks toAssistant Professor Dr Hakan Sari for his great help and motivation tobe able to complete this study. 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