Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Successful outcomes of teaching minority undergraduate students entrepreneurial business planning concepts using andragogy and service learning.

Successful outcomes of teaching minority undergraduate students entrepreneurial business planning concepts using andragogy and service learning. INTRODUCTION Applying andragological techniques and service learning concepts totraditional college age minority students can produce dramatic outcomes.For example, from the Fall 2005 to the present semester, a Professor ofEntrepreneurship at two New Orleans bases HBCU's conducted twoclasses, (1) an Introduction to Entrepreneurship Class and (2) thecapstone Entrepreneurship class, using the above mentioned teachingmethodologies. The universities have never participated in any form of abusiness plan competition nor worked with SIFE (Students In FreeEnterprise). The students while completing these two courses entered theFord HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) Business PlanCompetition. The Ford Competition received over 900 entries with 200,000students and 119 universities participating, at the undergraduate andgraduate levels participated in the competition. A student team consisting of four students; two sophomores, onejunior, and one senior with grade point averages ranging from 2.03 to3.1; were placed as one of the top five teams in the nation. In April2007, another student team taking the same courses won The Ford $100,000HBCU Business Plan Competition. Five SIFE students participated in the national competition and wonthe Rookie of the Year Award. Again, the student body has neverparticipated in such an event. Some students taking the classes have opened their businesses andare doing quite well. These businesses include an entertainmentbusiness, real estate, a subway franchise and a music recordingbusiness. During the Summer of 2006, a sophomore pre-med student taking theIntroduction to Entrepreneurship course won the U.S. Department ofCommerce MBDA Student Business Plan Competition. Over the past two years at another HBCU in New Orleans, wherestudents are exposed to Andragogy and Service Learning Techniques theresults have been exciting. Every semester at least two businesses havebeen formed and one business has expanded from the New Orleans Market toalso serving the Houston Market. Obviously, these are dramatic results when applying andragologicalconcepts and service learning techniques to the teaching of HBCUstudents Entrepreneurship courses. Significant research needs to beundertaken over the long-term to ascertain whether or not students aredeveloping their own businesses and the "success" of thesebusinesses. THE NOTION OF ANDRAGOGY The advent of computer simulation for business subjects in theseventies and the change in college populations in the United States,due to the baby boomer effect, adult education has grown in importance.The concept of teaching adult learners has been evolving and changingsince the sixties. One change in the education of adult learners is the concept of'andragogy.' The term andragogy was first coined in 1833 bythe German educationalist, Alexander Kapp (Bedi, 2004). In the eighties,Malcolm Knowles used the term andragogy in relation to adult learners inhis paper entitled, The Adult Learner: a neglected species. Over the years business educators have evolved from pedagogies;such pedagogies have included the lecture method, the case method, andthe computer simulation teaching methodology. Recently, andragogy wasapplied to teaching adult student business entrepreneurship. This paper will reveal the history of andragogy as applied to casestudies for entrepreneurs. The results of applying andragogy into anentrepreneur case-based curriculum for minority undergraduate studentsage 18-24 should prove to be successful. PEDAGOGY Ajay Bedi (2004, p.94), in his discussion of the history ofpedagogy, indicated the word "pedagogy" is derived from theGreek words paid, meaning "child", and agogus, meaning"leader of". Thus, pedagogy was interpreted as the art ofteaching children a set of beliefs, which evolved from the Middle Ages,in the monastic and cathedral schools of Europe to today. Bedi asserts that Knowles believes that pedagogy assigns to theteacher full responsibility for making all the decisions about whatshould be learned, how it will be taught, and when that teaching willoccur. It makes the learner submissive in the process of education andis by its essence teacher centered. Furthermore, Knowles argues thatpedagogy assumes that, in order to move on in the education process,learners only need to know that they must learn what the teacher imparts(2004, p.94). Around the world many universities continue to use thismethodology, such as state run schools in the Middle East, and requirethe adult learner to memorize facts and figures rather than learningcritical thinking (Mancuso, Gallagher, & Hafez, 1998). ANDRAGOGY--THE GUIDELINES Knowles (Bedi, 2004, p.95) reveals the following guidelines as aprocess towards training adult learners in andragogy: 1) The establishment of an effective learning climate 2) Learners are involved in the mutual planning of curriculum andteaching content 3) Learners are involved in their own needs assessment 4) Learners are encouraged to formulate their own learningobjectives and to devise their own resources and strategies to meetthese objectives 5) Learners are offered support and facilitation to carry out theirlearning plans 6) Learners are facilitated in the evaluation of their learning. Andragogy in regards to Knowles guidelines illustrate that foradult learners the concepts of learning and experience are central ideasin the thinking and practice of adult learners (Wilson & Hayes,2002, p. 173). Gundars Kaupins (2002, p. 319) reveals in his research that Knowlessuggested that adults learn more effectively through active trainingmethods (e.g., role plays) and application of knowledge based onreal-life events (e.g., internships, live cases). Kaupins also showsthat Keyes suggested that adults learn best through active involvementin the classroom, though many methods of training are acceptable. THE NEXT STEP--APPLYING ANDRAGOGY TO THE TEACHING OFENTREPRENEURSHIP The study of entrepreneurship is on the threshold of helping theGulf Coast region, state, nation and the world attain an economicoutcome that will benefit all of mankind. William Walstad and MarilynKourilsky (1999, p. 15) in their book Seeds of Success Entrepreneurshipand Youth stated that: " ... youth have a view of entrepreneurship that was much morepositive than we had ever expected. When we asked youth, 'Do youthink you would want to start a business of your own?' almost sevenin 10 said yes." Walstad and Kourilsky (1999, p. 28) also noted that their study wasnot an aberration or a sampling fluke. The percentage of youth whostated they were interested in starting a business is essentiallyequivalent, within the margin of sampling error, to the results fromanother national survey of youth that the authors conducted. According to Walstad and Kourilsky (1999, p. 19), the US Departmentof Commerce noted that black entrepreneurship has experiencedsignificant growth in recent years; the youth responses also werestudied for important differences by ethnicity. The authors noted thatone indicator of this trend is the change in the number of black-ownedbusinesses. From 1987 to 1992, the number of black-owned businessesincreased by 46 percent. By contrast, the total number of firmsincreased just 26 percent. Black-owned businesses also experiencedsubstantial growth during the period, with sales and receipts rising by63 percent, compared with a 50 percent increase for all firms. Walstad and Kourilsky's (1999, p.19) data showed: "... that the number and size of black-owned firms are stillrelatively small and that they employ few workers. In 1992, theyrepresented only 3.6 percent of all firms and accounted forapproximately one percent of sales and receipts. Also, only 10 percentof these firms had employees, although they generated 70 percent of thesales and receipts for all black-owned firms. With the growth of oureconomy increasingly relying on entrepreneurship, these data indicatethe need for more participation by black Americans." Since Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005,entrepreneurship is playing an important part in the recovery of OrleansParish. Since Hurricane Katrina U.S. Census data has revealed a loss ofnearly half of its pre-Katrina population and all of the city'sheadquarter companies have left. Promoting entrepreneurship is a key component to the state ofLouisianas' economic development strategies. The effectiveness ofongoing efforts of local New Orleans universities working to develop andexpand local businesses will be enhanced by the establishment of anacademic program in entrepreneurship. Due to the restructuring of theeconomy nationally and internationally, there is a critical need toaugment the way young people at every educational level are prepared toparticipate in the economy--so that they are better able to evaluate andpursue available opportunities, to calculate risks, and to fostermutually supportive economic networks. One local HBCU has recently won a grant from Ford'sPartnership for Advanced Studies in which one component will be to trainhigh school teachers in the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Toaccomplish this training task a six-course (eighteen semester hours) ofcoursework will be developed using andragogy as the infrastructure ofthe coursework training. The course delivery system will be placedon-line in Blackboard; because teachers are located throughout the Stateof Louisiana. Future research will show the various outcomes of thisinstructional methodology to high school teachers of entrepreneurship. APPLYING THE CONCEPT OF SERVICE LEARNING TO THE CURRICULUM Service learning is a teaching and learning method that connectsmeaningful academic learning with community service, personal growth,community involvement and civic responsibility. It is a method by whichpeople learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfullyorganized service experiences. In the students' syllabus, students are told through servicelearning not only will they have an opportunity to learn academicconcepts and skills, but they will understand the relevance of thoseconcepts and skills in the real world. There are five key elements of the Service Learning program: Reciprocity--Reciprocity is the belief that Xavier University and the community have something to gain from each other. Each individual functions as both a teacher and learner. Community participants are viewed as partners in teaching and learning. Therefore, students work with, rather than do for the community. Collaboration--Service learning requires a special partnership between Xavier University students and the community. Service expectations are clearly defined. It is a process of engaging partners to work together to share resources to meet an identified community need. Orientation--The Service Learning Program and service agencies provide students with information about the project prior to beginning their assignment. Accountability--The goals and objectives of students' service learning assignments are clearly defined and each partner's role and responsibilities are clarified. Assessment--Evaluations are conducted to assess both community and student development and to improve the program structure. The Entrepreneurship classes are using problem-based servicelearning activities. Problembased service learning entails a team ofstudents working with community members to understand a particularcommunity problem or need. Students are relating to the community astheir "consultants" working for a "client." This model presumes students will have some knowledge they can drawupon to make recommendations to the community or develop a solution tothe problem, for example, business students might develop a marketingplan for a small business. "Clients" are chosen by the various teams and develop abusiness plan for each client. During the test period the studentscompleted numerous case studies, such as, a bed and breakfast located inHouston, real estate companies, music industry companies, entertainmentcompanies, and a spa. University students helping small business operations are alsohelping high school students understand the concepts ofentrepreneurship. The 18-24 age college students are helping high schoolstudents in the Gulf Coast Region to understand there are businessopportunities rather than criminal opportunities. The students use theFord Partnership for Advanced Studies curriculum (Ford PAS Program) totrain these young high school students. At the end of the high schoolsession students competed in a business plan competition that was judgedby business entrepreneurs in the Gulf Coast Region. Of course, it is tooearly for long-term results for the high school participants, but forthe Fall Semester 2006, twenty-five percent of the new students enteringthe Business Program at Xavier were participants in the Service LearningProject. ANDRAGOLOGICAL AND SERVICE LEARNING STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS Table 1 presents a simplified application of andragogy and servicelearning concepts to one assignment given to the students in theadvanced class for Entrepreneurship at Xavier University of Louisiana: An examination of the assignment in Table 1 reveals theestablishment of an effective learning climate by allowing the studentto choose his/her client and the type of business the student desires towork with. Table 1 also reveals that the learners are involved in themutual planning of curriculum and teaching content. For example, if astudent and/or team have a problem with a learning concept inentrepreneurship, the student/team will discuss the area of concern withthe instructor to get a better understanding of the concern. Of course,coupled with the previous andragological concept is the concept thatcorrelates directly with learners are involved in their own needsassessment. Again, the student and/or team will work with the instructorto help the student/team with any theories that need to be addressed. The sample assignment clearly shows how the student and/or teamwill formulate their learning objectives and to devise their ownresources and strategies to meet these objectives. Certainly, theinstructor will have weekly meetings with the student/teams to discusstheir concerns about the assignment. Basically, in this learningsituation, the instructor is a 'coach' providing necessaryinformation, support, and facilitation to aid the student/team in thecompletion of his/her objectives. At the end of the assignment thestudent and/or team must make a presentation to their client. The'give and take' and feedback from the client helps thestudent/team evaluate their learning outcomes. Service learning is a teaching and learning technique that connectsmeaningful academic learning with community service, personal growth,community involvement, and civic responsibility. The assignment locatedin Table 1 reveals that the student and/or team is helping businesses inthe New Orleans area. As the census data reveals in Fedstats, NewOrleans is one of the poorest cities in the United States with thirtypercent of the population in Orleans Parish below poverty level and theaverage income is $27,000. It is certainly necessary for the universitystudents to aid in helping New Orleans out of the quagmire of povertyand into prosperity by helping to develop in the communityentrepreneurial knowledge and savvy. CONCLUSION Since 2005, two HBCU's have used in the teaching ofentrepreneurial courses andragological concepts and service learningtechniques to enhance the learning experiences of students taking thesecourses. The results have been dramatic where students have won majornational awards and are currently opening successful businesses. One HBCU in New Orleans now has the only major in Entrepreneurshipin the State of Louisiana. Since the inception of this major, theprogram has grown to over five hundred majors with every semester since2007 at least two businesses have been formed by students and thebusinesses are expanding from the New Orleans market to markets inTexas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida. FUTURE RESEARCH The short-term results of applying andragological techniques andservice learning concepts to the curriculum of an HBCU (HistoricallyBlack College or University) have been positive. Certainly, properresearch techniques indicate that a long-term research study must beundertaken to check the validity and reliability of earlier short-termresults. REFERENCES Bedi, A. (2004) An Adragogical Approach to Teaching Styles.Education for Primary Care, 15. Blanco, K. (2004) Entre'LA: Creating Opportunities by CreatingJobs, Exploring Entrepreneurship for Louisiana's Future. Lafayette,Louisiana. Knowles, M.S. The Adult Learner: a neglected species. (3rd ed.),Houston: Gulf Publishing. Mancuso, L., Gallagher, G. and Hafez, M. (1998) The Graining NeedsAssessment for Growth Through Globalization (GTG-0264). Under SO 1,Accelerated Private Sector Led Export Oriented Economic Growth,International Management and Marketing Improvement (IMMI), Institute ofInternational Education Development Training 2 Project. Cairo, Egypt. Wilson, A. & Hayes E. (2002) From the Editors: The Problem of(learning In-From- To) Experience. Adult Education Quarterly. 52( 3),173. Kaupins, G. (2002) Computer-Based Training Research. Walstad, W. & Kourilsky, M. (1999) Seeds of SuccessEntrepreneurship and Youth. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Dubuque,Iowa. Web site: Louis C. Mancuso, Southern University at New Orleans Ghasem S. Alijani, Southern University at New Orleans Obyung Kwun, Southern University at New Orleans Larry D. Smith, Charleston Southern UniversityTable 1: Example of a Typical Assignment Applying Andragogy and Service Learning Concepts to an Undergraduate Minority Entrepreneurship ClassObjective: Course Project Another component of the course is to conduct a live case study for a 'real' business client. The project will consist of the following elements: 1. Research the problem of the Client 2. Meeting with the Client to discuss various aspects of the business 3. Analyzing the business data 4. Creating a business plan and any other data appropriate for the client's needs 5. Presentation of findings to the client Since the client is working at a real business the client will give you certain times that you can meet with him/her. Also he/she will give you an email address to send the client queries about his/her business. The final project will consist of a written project and PowerPoint presentations. It is important to note that you can place your business plans into various competitions, such as, the Ford HBCU Business Plan competition which awards the top three finalists a price package consisting of $100,000.)

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