Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Summary of Professor Robert Barrett's data held in the University of Adelaide Barr Smith Library special collection archives.

Summary of Professor Robert Barrett's data held in the University of Adelaide Barr Smith Library special collection archives. When Professor Barrett passed away he left behind a substantialamount of unfinished work An unfinished work is a creative work that has not been completed. Its creator might have chosen never to finish it, or have been prevented by circumstances outside of his or her control (including death). . He also left meticulous field notes from hiscompleted work, along with hundreds of photographs and recordings. Hiswork represents a remarkable devotion to his work and to the disciplinesof psychiatry, medicine, and anthropology. These data were far toovaluable to be lost: most of the materials have been catalogued andstored in the University of Adelaide Its main campus is located on the cultural boulevard of North Terrace in the city-centre alongside prominent institutions such as the Art Gallery of South Australia, the South Australian Museum and the State Library of South Australia. Barr Smith Library, so that currentscholars and future generations can draw upon them if they so wish. If you are interested in examining these materials, in the firstinstance you should contact me, A/Professor Anna Chur-Hansen, atanna.churhansen@adelaide.edu. au Ethics approval must be secured by theinterested researcher(s) before materials can be released, and whererelevant, Professor Barrett's research collaborators will need tobe consulted and their permission gained. Many of the people whoparticipated in Professor Barrett's research will still be living,and thus the issues of stringent ethical processes and informed consentare extremely important--the researcher(s) will need to take thesefactors into account when considering what they might wish to do withthe data. it is also important to note that much of the material is inthe Iban language The Iban language is spoken in Kalimantan (the Indonesian part of Borneo) and the Sarawak state region of Malaysia by the Iban, a branch of the Dayak ethnic group (formerly known as "Sea Dayak"). , so fluency in this would be essential. Summary of materials available These data represent ethnographic research conducted with the Ibanpeople The Ibans are a branch of the Dayak peoples of Borneo. They were formerly known during the colonial period by the British as Sea Dayaks. Ibans were renowned for practising headhunting and tribal/territorial expansion. from Sarawak in Borneo. Data collection began in 1986 andcontinued up to 2006. The archived materials can be divided into two main waves of datacollection. The first phase, encompassing the 1980s and 1990s ismaterial for a series of National Health and Medical Research Council The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak funding body for medical research, with a budget of nearly A$500M a year . The Council was established to develop and maintain health standards and is responsible for implementing the (NH&MRC See Maximum return criterion. ) supported comparative studies of schizophrenia that combineanthropological and clinical research techniques. Essentially, thesedata are 50 case studies of Iban people suffering with what we wouldcall "schizophrenia." Included in the materials are ProfessorBarrett's ethnographic notes, as well as his transcribed interviewsand videotapes and CDs of individual patient cases. Professor Barrettcompleted several papers on these data. The second wave of National Health and Medical Research Council(NH&MRC) funded research, beginning in 2002, can be viewed as acontinuation of the first studies. Professor Barrett again collectedcase records, combining these with cases of nonpsychotic spiritualexperiences and blood analyses, in an attempt to determine geneticinfluences upon psychiatric illness. Only one paper was produced fromthese data: he was working on a book plan around this research when hedied. In addition to the raw data, we have archived his lecture notes andother papers as well as his published works. Dr. Anna Chur-Hansen, HERDSA HERDSA Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Fellow Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Discipline School ofMedicine Discipline of Psychiatry, at the Royal Adelaide Hospital The Royal Adelaide Hospital is Adelaide's largest hospital with over 700 beds. Founded in 1840, the Royal Adelaide provides tertiary health care services for South Australia and provides secondary care clinical services to residents of Adelaide's inner city. University of Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia South Australia,state (1991 pop. 1,236,623), 380,070 sq mi (984,381 sq km), S central Australia. It is bounded on the S by the Indian Ocean. Kangaroo Island and many smaller islands off the south coast are included in the state.

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