Thursday, September 29, 2011

Still Her Spirit Sings.

Still Her Spirit Sings. Still Her Spirit Sings Robert W. Kurkela, author Janice Phelps Williams, illustrator Kidzpoetz Publishing P.O. Box 621, New City, NY 10956 9780976022015, $16.95 "Still Her Spirit Sings: One Dog's Love, Lessons, Lifeand Legacy" is a father's verse tribute to his beloved dogSpirit, whose unexpected illness and death imprints deeply on thefamily, including two small children. To answer hard questionstruthfully, and to pay proper full tribute to a faithful furry companionis the stated goal of "Still Her Spirit Sings." But perhapseven more important is the offering of compassion and comfort in thewhimsical verse portrait of Spirit. In answer to the questions oftenasked, "Do dogs (animals) have souls? Will they go to heaven? Willwe see them again?" Kurkela writes the following: "Oh yes,believe with all of your heart/ That our dogs are still on their guard!They inspire out honest acts/ Brightly move us to compassion/ Theirloyalty lives on after death/ As lessons learned in our every breath,/Though this tale has now been told/ Words, like souls, know no end? Maythey comfort you through your days/ Long, long after you turn thispage." The title of "Still Her Spirit Sings" was takenfrom a poem written by the author in memory of his mother, in"Lilies on the Moon." "I find it just amazing/ When dailyI stop and think,/ That she's no longer with us,/ Yet still herspirit sings." "Still Her Spirit Sings" is lovinglyembellished with spare, haunting portraits of daily details of the lifeof Spirit. "Still Her Spirit Sings" will be especiallytreasured by parents and children who have experienced the loss of abeloved pet.

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