Sunday, September 25, 2011

Teacher receives NIOSH award for developing safety training program.

Teacher receives NIOSH award for developing safety training program. AS A CARPENTRY INSTRUCTOR, JAMES HAUCK strives to ensure the safetyof his students. To help achieve that goal he developed a safetytraining program for Middlesex County For the traditional county of England, see Middlesex.For other uses, see Middlesex (disambiguation).Middlesex County is the name of six counties in North America: Canada Middlesex County, Ontario Vocational and Technical Schools(MCVTS) in East Brunswick, New Jersey. The program was recognized withthe 2007 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, an institute of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is responsible for assuring safe and healthful working conditions and for developing standards of safety and health. (NIOSH NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, see thereNIOSH Recommendations for Safety & Health StandardsAgent NIOSH REL*/OSHA PEL† Health effects )award at ACTE's National Policy Seminar held in March. "Winning [this award] instills in me a sense of pride andvalidation in that I have done my best, and I am recognized for myefforts," Hauck said. The NIOSH award, co-sponsored by ACTE ACTE Association for Career and Technical Education (formerly American Vocational Association)ACTE Association of Corporate Travel ExecutivesACTE Approvals Committee for Terminal EquipmentACTE Anodal Closure Tetanus , recognizes a teacher orprofessor who promotes occupational safety and health in schoollaboratories. Hauck's program includes safety rules andregulations, a safety awareness program, classroom rules, and theappropriate use of personal protective equipment. The programestablished a Council of Safety Representatives--a safety referralprogram for the prevention of unsafe activities, attitudes and injuries,and an accident review system. Each year, MCVTS compiles a comprehensive annual report ofstatistics about accidents and incidents that is used to identify trendsand put in place prevention measures to reduce risk. Because ofHauck's work, the county has a Safety Standards Plan and conductsan annual safety analysis of accidents for all of its schools. "It is absolutely essential that all teachers, especiallylaboratory instructors, teach safety as an integral part of everydaylife," Hauck said. "Teens have an intrinsic feeling ofimmortality in that they may not realize the potential for seriousinjury like losing one's sight or an appendage appendage/ap��pen��dage/ (ah-pen��dij) a subordinate portion of a structure, or an outgrowth, such as a tail.epiploic appendages? see under appendix . . They believe itwon't happen to them." For schools or districts that would like to implement a safetyprogram, Hauck suggests districts develop a comprehensive plan and setof rules and guidelines addressing safety issues as well asindividualized in��di��vid��u��al��ize?tr.v. in��di��vid��u��al��ized, in��di��vid��u��al��iz��ing, in��di��vid��u��al��iz��es1. To give individuality to.2. To consider or treat individually; particularize.3. safety standards specific to each career major or coursebeing offered. Districts should also have biannual bi��an��nu��al?adj.1. Happening twice each year; semiannual.2. Occurring every two years;��an meetings to discussthe issue of safety. Schools can involve students by appointing one as aleader who monitors and reports unsafe conditions and practices. For the contest, entrants wrote a paper describing specific actionsthat ensured adequate safety, outlined physical safeguards thatprotected the students, provided a report on research conducted on labsafety that contributed to the design of safety measures safety measures, actions (e.g., use of glasses, face masks) taken to protect patients and office personnel from such known hazards as particles and aerosols from high-speed rotary instruments, mercury vapor, radiation exposure, anesthetic and , and developeda safety manual for a specific lab class. For more information on the NIOSH award, please

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