Sunday, September 25, 2011

Teacher at TCT Tops in Tech Ed.

Teacher at TCT Tops in Tech Ed. --Tuscaloosa News (AL), December 15, 2007 Before entering the teaching profession eight years ago, MarkRaines was a television anchor. He never thought he would become ateacher, and he never wanted his legacy to be based on awards. But onDecember 14, he was recognized as the nation's top new career andtechnical educator at the Association for Career and TechnicalEducation's Annual Convention in Las Vegas Las Vegas(läs vā`gəs), city (1990 pop. 258,295), seat of Clark co., S Nev.; inc. 1911. It is the largest city in Nevada and the center of one of the fastest-growing urban areas in the United States. . Raines and four othercandidates from schools across the county vied for the top award. "It was a pretty amazing a��maze?v. a��mazed, a��maz��ing, a��maz�� To affect with great wonder; astonish. See Synonyms at surprise.2. Obsolete To bewilder; perplex.v.intr. moment, because there were some veryqualified nominees with amazing credentials CREDENTIALS, international law. The instruments which authorize and establish a public minister in his character with the state or prince to whom they are addressed. If the state or prince receive the minister, he can be received only in the quality attributed to him in his credentials. ," said Raines, whoteaches at the Tuscaloosa Center for Technology. "It's quitean honor As a verb, to accept a bill of exchange, or to pay a note, check, or accepted bill, at maturity. To pay or to accept and pay, or, where a credit so engages, to purchase or discount a draft complying with the terms of the draft. to get something like that at the national level." When Raines started teaching television production class, he hadvery little equipment, a small group of students, and a single camera.Now the program includes two teachers and offers six televisionproduction classes. Nearly 1,200 students have been through the programsince 2000, and it has won close to 90 awards and was named theTechnical Education Program of the Year by the Alabama Alabama, indigenous people of North AmericaAlabama(ăləbăm`ə), indigenous people of North America whose language belongs to the Muskogean branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). State Departmentof Education in 2003-2004.

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