Friday, September 2, 2011

$9.95 for FREE! District Administration offers a growing array of professional resources.

$9.95 for FREE! District Administration offers a growing array of professional resources. I WAS SURPRISED TO DISCOVER THAT AMAZON.COM SELLS SCORES OFarticles I wrote for DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION--even these Editor'sLetters--for $5.95 or $9.95, depending on when they were published. Thearticles cover topics of value to K12 district administrators, such ascell phone policies, rating teachers online, setting effectivestandards, and opening the Web to disabled users. Offerings also includethe widely distributed Adj. 1. widely distributed - growing or occurring in many parts of the world; "a cosmopolitan herb"; "cosmopolitan in distribution"cosmopolitanbionomics, environmental science, ecology - the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms "Curriculum Hotspots" guide to the besteducation sites on the Web and "Teaching Techniques forSupervisors." Someone is getting royalties, but it's not me. However, if you go directly to the DA Web site, (1) (Computer Output Microfilm) Creating microfilm or microfiche from the computer. A COM machine receives print-image output from the computer either online or via tape or disk and creates a film image of each page. , you can get each of these articles andmore for FREE! So if you want to e-mail an article, print it out, add alink to your Web site, or insert an excerpt ex��cerpt?n.A passage or segment taken from a longer work, such as a literary or musical composition, a document, or a ex��cerpt��ed, ex��cerpt��ing, ex��cerpts1. into an electronicnewsletter, click through Back Issues under DA Magazine, of use thesearch tool to find what you need. In fact, our Web site offers agrowing array of content and services to help you do your job better. We've been working through the summer to bring you even moreprofessional resources and opportunities, and below are some highlights.No one covers K12 education like DA! District Buying Power Buying PowerThe money an investor has available to buy securities. In a margin account, the buying power is the total cash held in the brokerage account plus maximum margin available.Also referred to as "Excess Equity. Study As the magazine of education leadership for top-level decisionmakers that reaches every school district, we commissioned anindependent research organization to survey our readers to assessindividual and institutional buying power. We discovered that districtsreached by DA spent an amazing a��maze?v. a��mazed, a��maz��ing, a��maz�� To affect with great wonder; astonish. See Synonyms at surprise.2. Obsolete To bewilder; perplex.v.intr. $33.3 billion on goods and services In economics, economic output is divided into physical goods and intangible services. Consumption of goods and services is assumed to produce utility (unless the "good" is a "bad"). It is often used when referring to a Goods and Services Tax. inthe 2006-2007 school year. In this issue, you can read the first reportin a series on school spending. X-Factor Student Achievement Awards Also in this issue are the results of the DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIONX-Factor Achievement Awards, sponsored by AutoSkill International, wherepublic school educators submitted 300-word descriptions of creativeX-factor ideas to raise student achievement in their districts. Theaccompanying article profiles the grand prize winner, who will receive$30,000 seed money to jump-start the initiative. Free Web Seminars All you need is a Web browser The program that serves as your front end to the Web on the Internet. In order to view a site, you type its address (URL) into the browser's Location field; for example,, and the home page of that site is downloaded to you. and an hour to participate in our newprofessional Web Seminar titled "Managing Fixed Assets fixed assetsnpl → activo sg fijofixed assetsnpl → immobilisations fplfixed assetsfix npl → for BetterPlanning, Budgeting and Purchasing," starting at noon EDT EDTabbr.Eastern Daylight TimeEDTEastern Daylight TimeEDTn abbr (US) (= Eastern Daylight Time) → hora de verano de Nueva YorkEDTonThursday, September 20. Find out more and register online, One-Day Seminars If you can be in the Northeast in October, you can participate inour one-day leadership seminar on "New Paths to School Safety andSecurity." The event will be held in Framingham, MA, on October 2,and in Tarrytown, NY, on October New Products Database Going live this month is our greatly expanded online productsdatabase. But we need your help in selecting the Top 100 Products in K12education for a special thirteenth issue of DA to be published early in2008. Visit us online and participate in the Together, let's make this an outstanding year! Odvard Egil Dyrli EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

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