Saturday, September 24, 2011

Teaching empathy and creativity: the colorful dogs became symbolic ambassadors of goodwill and support for children affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Teaching empathy and creativity: the colorful dogs became symbolic ambassadors of goodwill and support for children affected by Hurricane Katrina. An art project began at the Benjamin School in North Palm Beach,Florida North Palm Beach is an incorporated village in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. The population was 12,064 at the 2000 census. As of 2004, the population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau is 12,645. , inspired by artist George Rodrigue's 'Blue Dog.' Art teachers Ro Sammis and Liza DeBartolo introduced their thirdgrade classes to the wonderful, whimsical world of Rodrigue, explaininghow he developed his Blue Dog character based Refers to the use of fixed size fonts or to using text commands, all of which are in contrast to a graphical interface (graphics based). See text based. on memories of Louisiana CODE, OF LOUISIANA. In 1822, Peter Derbigny, Edward Livingston, and Moreau Lislet, were selected by the legislature to revise and amend the civil code, and to add to it such laws still in force as were not included therein. Legends. The teachers developed a paper mache lesson for their third gradeclasses. The students constructed their dogs using discarded one-litersoy milk Soy milk (also called soya milk or soybean milk) and sometimes referred to as soy drink/beverage and even soy latte) is a beverage made from soybeans originating from China. containers, paper towel rolls, wire hangers, styrofoamvegetable trays and old newspapers. Then they personified them throughstories based on the Cajun story telling tradition. After the devastation in New Orleans New Orleans(ôr`lēənz –lənz, ôrlēnz`), city (2006 pop. 187,525), coextensive with Orleans parish, SE La., between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain, 107 mi (172 km) by water from the river mouth; founded and Mississippi, the artteachers decided to act on a teachable teach��a��ble?adj.1. That can be taught: teachable skills.2. Able and willing to learn: teachable youngsters. moment and use these dogs tocreate empathy and encouragement art. The colorful dogs became symbolicambassadors of goodwill and support for children affected by HurricaneKatrina Editing of this page by unregistered or newly registered users is currently disabled due to vandalism. . Students visited Rodrigue's website where they discussedhis newest painting: "We Will Rise Again," which he created tosupport Katrina survivors. The children wrote stories about their critter heroes helping thepeople of New Orleans. They used their imaginations, creating animalcharacters that used their strength to help support the levies, or swamthrough the waters to rescue other children and animals. Still otherchildren had their dogs holding fashion shows to raise money for thesurvivors of Katrina or helping clean up the hurricane debris. Ashley's blue dog, for example, contributes money as well:"My dog is very fortunate so he is going to donate one thousanddollars and right now he is flying all around the country putting upposters to encourage many people to donate many things. The one reasonmy blue dog is doing these things is because he really understands whatis happening to these people. He wants to do even more and he hopes youwill too." Hannah writes: "My dog was sitting on the beach with his greensunglasses and licking his lollipop. All of a sudden, a gust of windblows his favorite sunglasses and lollipop away. He starts chasing them.He's chasing them for miles across the states. Finally he catchesthem and looks around. He says: "Where am I?" He asks someone."In New Orleans," says the person. The man looks scared."I don't know Don't know (DK, DKed)"Don't know the trade." A Street expression used whenever one party lacks knowledge of a trade or receives conflicting instructions from the other party. what to do. I have lost my home and have twochildren and a wife." "I'll help you find a home,"said the dog, "Take me to your family." When they get to thefamily, the dog says:" Follow me." Olivia says: "Blue Dog is in New Orleans to help the sickpeople and to encourage the people to stay healthy. Blue Dog walksaround the shelter asking everybody who walks by if they need any help.One person comes and mumbles For the record label, see .Mumbles (otherwise, The Mumbles – Welsh Y Mwmbwls) is a large village with adjacent headland stretching into Swansea Bay. It is also a community made up of the Mayals, Newton, Oystermouth, Norton and West Cross electoral wards. in French and points to her leg. Blue Dogsees that there is a big scrape. Blue Dog comes up and fixes her leg.The girl tries to thank Blue Dog and Blue Dog definitely knows whatshe's talking about." Be sure to take a virtual visit to see the work of George Rodriguewhich inspired this project at:

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