Saturday, September 24, 2011

Teachers training and resource unit. (Ahfad News).

Teachers training and resource unit. (Ahfad News). Mrs Amira Yahia coordinated the "Teaching Skills DevelopmentCourse" from 7th January - March 2001, which included 25participants. Miss Ghada Rudwan participated in the course during thesame period. The Quality Assurance Review under the supervision of Dr A.I.Vroeijenstijin,-senior consultant of the Association of Universities inthe Netherlands- took place between 17th -23rd January at AhfadUniversity for Women Ahfad University for Women is a private women's university in Omdurman, Sudan,and was originaly founded as a girls school by babiker badri in 1905 and was awarded the status of university in 1966. . The External Assessment took place from 24th-29th March. Duringthese days 13 reports were presented to a committee which consisted ofDr Harry Brinkman as Chairperson of the committee-a specialisedconsultant from the Netherlands-Professor Mahdi Amin Eltom, as a memberof the committee-Former Vice Chancellor vice chancellor?n. Abbr. VC1. A deputy or an assistant chancellor in a university.2. A deputy to or a substitute for a head of state or an official bearing the title chancellor.3. of the Islamic University Islamic University is a government financed public university of Bangladesh. It was established to promote the islamic system of education in the country. Previously it was situated in Gazipur. inOmdurman and Nicolien Groenendijk as a member of thecommittee-Consultant and former Dean of the School of Family Sciences. Dr Harry Brinkman gave a lecture on "Transformation ofUniversity Concepts in Europe" at Al- Hafeed Library on the eveningof 29th March. It was attended by a wide spectrum of people concernedwith higher educational issues. The Unit held a training course on Guidance and Counseling guidance and counseling,concept that institutions, especially schools, should promote the efficient and happy lives of individuals by helping them adjust to social realities. SkillsDeve1opment in collaboration with the School of Psychology andPre-school Education from l3th-27th May at the University. Members ofthe University staff and other University staff members, amounting to 22participants attended it. On the 14th May the Unit organised a public lecture given byProfessor Elsheikh Hassan ElFatih Grebballa at the University premiseson "The Role of Religion in Counseling and Guidance".

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