Sunday, September 25, 2011

Teacher training courses: PBS TeacherLine.

Teacher training courses: PBS TeacherLine., Internet, $150 per course This online professional development program for pre-K-12 educators offers 80 courses designed to enhance teacher quality and address competency COMPETENCY, evidence. The legal fitness or ability of a witness to be heard on the trial of a cause. This term is also applied to written or other evidence which may be legally given on such trial, as, depositions, letters, account-books, and the like. 2. requirements under No Child Left Behind. The offerings cover instructional technology There are two types of instructional technology: those with a systems approach, and those focusing on sensory technologies.The definition of instructional technology prepared by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Definitions and Terminology , mathematics, reading, science, curriculum mapping Curriculum Mapping is a procedure for reviewing the operational curriculum as it is entered into an electronic data base at any education setting. It is based largely on the work of Heidi Hayes Jacobs in Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12 and instructional strategies. They also include 10 new elementary reading and math offerings and ISTE/ Capstone courses that help teachers demonstrate their mastery of the ISTE ISTE International Society for Technology in EducationISTE Indian Society for Technical EducationISTE International Society for Tropical EcologyISTE Integrated Services Terminal Equipment NETS*T and earn certification in technology integration. All courses are led by facilitators who are trained and certified by PBS. CIRCLE #516 FOR INFORMATION

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