Monday, September 26, 2011

Taiwan International Piano Competition. (Competitions and Scholarships).

Taiwan International Piano Competition. (Competitions and Scholarships). The 1st Taiwan Taiwan(tī`wän`), Portuguese Formosa, officially Republic of China, island nation (2005 est. pop. 22,894,000), 13,885 sq mi (35,961 sq km), in the Pacific Ocean, separated from the mainland of S China by the 100-mi-wide (161-km) Taiwan International Piano Competition will take placeSeptember September:see month. 25-October 5, 2003, at the National Recital Recital - dBASE-like language and DBMS from Recital Corporation. Versions include Vax VMS. Hall in Taipei,Taiwan. The competition is open to pianists of all nationalities born afterOctober 5, 1972, and not later than September 25, 1987. The first-place winner will receive $20,000, a gold medal gold medaltraditional first prize. [Western Cult: Misc.]See : Prize and tenconcert engagements within three years. The second-place winner willreceive $10,000, a silver medal and three concert engagements, and thethird-place winner will receive $7,000 and a bronze medal. The fourth-,fifth-and sixth-place winners will receive $5,000, $4,000 and $3,000,respectively. A special award worth $3,000 also will be presented forthe best performance of the Taiwanese composition. The deadline for all applications is March 1, 2003. For more information contact Tina Ting of the National Endowment A transfer, generally as a gift, of money or property to an institution for a particular purpose. The bestowal of money as a permanent fund, the income of which is to be used for the benefit of a charity, college, or other institution. for Culture and Arts at,

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