Monday, September 26, 2011

Syria's Regional Ambitions Have Not Changed

Syria's Regional Ambitions Have Not Changed - Lebanon & Palestine Are Part Of Them. *** PM Maliki In Iraq Has A June Deadline To EaseDe-Ba'thification And Secure An Amendment Of The Constitution &Reconciliation, As Well As Get Parliament To Pass A Petroleum LawAcceptable To All The Main Communities In The Country *** Failing That,He Would Lose Power To A New National Coalition More In Tune With TheSunni Status Quo [Latin, The existing state of things at any given date.] Status quo ante bellum means the state of things before the war. The status quo to be preserved by a preliminary injunction is the last actual, peaceable, uncontested status which preceded the pending controversy. In The Arab World “Arab States” redirects here. For the political alliance, see Arab League.The Arab World (Arabic: العالم العربي; Transliteration: al-`alam al-`arabi) stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the *** The Theocracy theocracyGovernment by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. In many theocracies, government leaders are members of the clergy, and the state's legal system is based on religious law. Theocratic rule was typical of early civilizations. Of Iran Will Fight Against Such A Change; But ItMay Face An Oil Price War From The Sunni Arab Regimes If The FightTriggers All-Out Strife Between The Sunni And Shi'ite CommunitiesIn The Muslim World The term Muslim world (or Islamic world) has several meanings. In a cultural sense it refers to the worldwide community of Muslims, adherents of Islam. This community numbers about 1.5-2 billion people, about one-fourth of the world. *** Lebanon Will Be One Of Frontlines BEIRUT - The regional priorities of the Ba'thist regime inSyria are what its critics call "control over Lebanon andPalestine". Being pan-Arab in identity and character, theBa'thist regime assumes its regional control through pro-SyriaBa'th parties Ba'th Partyor Baath PartyArab political party that advocates formation of a single Arab socialist state. It was founded in Damascus, Syria, by Michel 'Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar in 1943 and in 1953 merged with the Syrian Socialist Party to form the in Lebanon and several other Arab countries. This isassumed by the "National Command" of Syria's rulingBa'th Arab Socialist Party Socialist party,in U.S. history, political party formed to promote public control of the means of production and distribution. In 1898 the Social Democratic party was formed by a group led by Eugene V. Debs and Victor Berger. . What controls Syria is the party's"Regional Command". The Ba'thist regime of Syria is in strategic alliance with theShi'ite theocracy of Iran which, while the Ba'th Party limitsits ambitions to the Arab world, has ambitions extending to the wholeworld including the "Muslim Nation". But like theBa'thists, the theocracy has branches in all parts of the MuslimNation where there are Shi'ite communities which follow theJa'fari order. In some cases, these branches are called Hizbullahas in Lebanon, the oil-rich Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia(sä`dē ərā`bēə, sou`–, sô–), officially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, kingdom (2005 est. pop. , Bahrain,etc. In other cases the branches assume different names, as in Iraqwhere there are several Shi'ite militia groups partly or whollycontrolled by Iran's theocracy. Syria has never recognised Lebanon as a sovereign and independentstate; there have never been diplomatic relations between Lebanon andSyria. Parts of the Lebanese-Syrian borders have never been properlydemarcated. Whereas the Shi'ite theocracy is sectarian, however, theBa'thist regime of Syria is secular (seenews20-SyriaBa'thPriorityMay14-07). But the Syrian regime is anAlawite-led dictatorship and, in its strategic alliance with Tehran,Damascus is on the Ja'fari side of the current Shi'ite-Sunnitension in the Muslim world. "Al-Tashayo'" is a term Sunni religious leaders usein referring to the theocracy's efforts to convert Sunni Muslims orothers into Ja'fari Shi'ism. One of these Sunni leaders isShaikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, a Qatar-based scholar who recently accusedIran of forcing such conversions and demanded that Tehran apologise tothe Sunni world - which accounts for almost 90% of the 1.4billion-strong Muslim world. In its strategic alliance with the theocracy of Iran, theBa'thist regime of Damascus has since mid-2000 followed the modelof Tehran in military fortifications This is a list of fortifications past and present, a fortification being a major physical defensive structure often composed of a more or less wall-connected series of forts. ; and more so since the US-ledinvasion of Iraq in March 2003. Some of these are built deepunderground. For example, Iran's nuclear programme is spreadthroughout the vast country in deep underground installations. On April 30 the mass-circulation Israeli daily Yediot Aharonotquoted "foreign experts" as saying Syria had built a fortified fortified (fôrt´fīd),adj containing additives more potent than the principal ingredient. complex buried deep underground and cloaked in secrecy to produce andstore ballistic missiles capable of striking Israel. The paper said the"missile city" housed mainly Scuds capable of reachinganywhere in Israel. Given its weak air power, the Israeli paper said, Damascus wasboosting its arsenal of surface-to-surface missiles and protecting themin the complex. It said Syria had 200 Scud-Bs, 60 Scud-Ds and Cs and acertain number of Scud-D. Scud-Ds have a 700 km range. The Israeli paperalso said Syria had developed chemical warheads for all these missiles. According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. Yediot Aharonot, the chemical warhead agents werestored in a separate facility. The paper said Iran had recently suppliedSyria with about 100 Chinese shore-to-sea C-802 missiles - the same asthe one Hizbullah used to hit an Israeli warship warship,any ship built or armed for naval combat. The forerunners of the modern warship were the men-of-war of the 18th and early 19th cent., such as the ship of the line, frigate, corvette, sloop of war (see sloop), brig, and cutter. in the July/August 2006war between the Lebanese Shi'ite group and the Jewish state. In the April 22-23 elections, the ruling NPF NPF National Park FoundationNPF Norton Personal FirewallNPF National Parkinson FoundationNPF National Pain Foundation (Englewood, Colorado)NPF National Psoriasis FoundationNPF National Pro FastpitchNPF Network Processing Forum won an overwhelmingmajority of parliamentary seats, well over the two-thirds of theassembly's 250 seats needed to secure President Basharal-Assad's nomination for a second seven-year term in July. The NPFgot 172 seats, up five seats from the previous parliament (seenews20-SyriaBa'thPriorityMay14-07).

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