Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Susan Heuck Allen. Excavating our past: perspectives on the history of the Archaeological Institute of America.

Susan Heuck Allen. Excavating our past: perspectives on the history of the Archaeological Institute of America. SUSAN HEUCK ALLEN. Excavating our past: perspectives on the historyof the Archaeological Institute of America The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) is a North American nonprofit organization devoted to the promotion of public interest in archaeology, and the preservation of archaeological sites. It is based at Boston University. . xxv+235 pages, 21 figures.2002. Boston (MA): Archaeological Institute of America; 0-960942-8-Xpaperback $35 & 29.95 [pounds sterling]. MARY ALLSEBROOK (ed. Annie Allsebrook). Born to rebel: the life ofHarriet Boyd Hawes (2nd ed.). v+244 pages, figures. 2002. Oxford: Oxbow;1-84217-041-4 paperback 12.95 [pounds sterling] & US$14.95. With the help of P.A. Sheftel's chronological chron��o��log��i��cal? also chron��o��log��icadj.1. Arranged in order of time of occurrence.2. Relating to or in accordance with chronology. chart, Dr HEUCKALLEN introduces eleven papers on figures and phases in the history ofthe AIA. One of the principles to emerge is the challenges that forcedthe Institute to alter course from time to time, including costs andcompetition for digs in the Aegean region (cf. Sheftel on Delphi,1879-91) and the Middle East (N.A. Silberman), the impulse, a centuryago, to create American archaeology archaeology(ärkēŏl`əjē)[Gr.,=study of beginnings], a branch of anthropology that seeks to document and explain continuity and change and similarities and differences among human cultures. in America (J.E. Snead, and J.Russell on Canada; lists are provided of local societies in the USA),and the rise of anthropological archaeology and professionalisation Noun 1. professionalisation - the social process whereby people come to engage in an activity for pay or as a means of livelihood; "the professionalization of American sports"; "the professionalization of warfare"professionalization .H.B. Hawes (1871-1945) pioneered digging at Kavousi and Gournia, onCrete, and lectured to the AIA (she is mentioned with honours inExcavating our past and the new edition of Born remarks on growingrecognition). She raised an ambulance unit in World War I, toured Russiain 1931, supported industrial strikers in Massachusetts two years later,and found herself in Prague as Hitler was moving in. She theorised onEuropean federation and Christian unity. Born to rebel is a good read.

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