Thursday, September 1, 2011
The prime ministers, more or less.
The prime ministers, more or less. The names of the American presidents President of the United States - The President of the United States The American President (film) - A Romantic Comedy surrounding a fictional President of the United States and his attempts to win over an attractive lobbyist have been transposed trans��pose?v. trans��posed, trans��pos��ing, trans��pos�� To reverse or transfer the order or place of; interchange.2. invarious ways in at least three Word Ways articles, but to my knowledgeno such attention has heretofore been accorded the names of theirBritish counterparts, the prime ministers. To address this oversight,offered below is a table of metatransposals (i.e., transdeletions andtransadditions) of British prime ministerial Done under the direction of a supervisor; not involving discretion or policymaking.Ministerial describes an act or a function that conforms to an instruction or a prescribed procedure. It connotes obedience. surnames similar to the onefor the surnames of U.S. presidents offered in my August 1998 article,"The Presidents, More or Less." If one begins the count with Robert Walpole--generally consideredto have been the first true prime minister--51 individuals have now heldthat post. Subtracting one of the two Grenvilles in the list leaves atotal of 50 different "surnames" for the table. (There is onlyone Pitt in it, as the elder Pitt is listed as the Earl of Chatham The title Earl of Chatham, in the County of Kent, was created in the Peerage of Great Britain in 1766 for William Pitt the Elder on his appointment as Lord Privy Seal, along with the subsidiary title Viscount Pitt, of Burton Pynsent in the County of Somerset. .) Acomplication complication/com��pli��ca��tion/ (kom?pli-ka��shun)1. disease(s) concurrent with another disease.2. occurrence of several diseases in the same��pli��ca��tionn. with this group is that prior to the twentieth century,most prime ministers bore titles of nobility NOBILITY. An order of men in several countries to whom privileges are granted at the expense of the rest of the people. 2. The constitution of the United States provides that no state shall "grant any title of nobility; and no person can become a citizen of the (often as a conferred con��fer?v. con��ferred, con��fer��ring, con�� To bestow (an honor, for example): conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her. honor) by which they were more often better known during their primeministerships than by their personal names. In deciding which names,titular tit��u��lar?adj.1. Relating to, having the nature of, or constituting a title.2. a. Existing in name only; nominal: the titular head of the family.b. or personal, to use in the table, I have followed the listing ofprime ministers given in Kenneth O. Morgan's The Oxford IllustratedHistory of Britain. Here are my vocabulary rules: To be eligible for the table, a wordor phrase must be a boldface See boldface font. entry in a major dictionary, or areasonable inflection inflection,in grammar. In many languages, words or parts of words are arranged in formally similar sets consisting of a root, or base, and various affixes. Thus walking, walks, walker have in common the root walk and the affixes -ing, -s, and of such an entry. Not acceptable are words thatare the plurals, inflections, or derivatives of an untransposed basename (thatchers, northern, vice-chamberlain, majority, lawyer, etc.).Also excluded, mainly for esthetic es��thet��icadj.Variant of aesthetic. reasons, are proper nouns proper nounn.A noun belonging to the class of words used as names for unique individuals, events, or places. Also called proper name. ,transdeletions that delete more than a third of the letters in the basename, and transadditions that add more letters than there are letters inthe base name.In the following, all less-than-optimal metatransposals--thosethat add or subtract more than one letter-are shown initalics, with the number of letters added or subtractedindicated in parentheses. W3 = Webster's Third; W2 = Webster'sSecond.Prime Minister Transdeletion TransadditionWalpole wallop walloper W3Wilmington twinling (2) W2# world-animating (4) W2#Pelham maple helpmate (2) W3#Newcastle cleanest sweet archangel (4) W3#Devonshire overshine W3 devil's-grandmother (7) W3#Bute tub tuberGrenville reveling revellingsRockingham charming (2)# knight commander (S) W3#Chatham match (2)# hatchman W3Grafton forgat W3 frontageNorth horn thornyShelburne busheler W3 double-strength (5) W3#Portland portal (2)# postprandial (4)#Pitt tip petit W3Addington atoning (2)# nodding catchfly (6) W3#Perceval cleaver perceivable (3) W3#Liverpool overlie (2) W3# overpotential (4) W3#Canning caning enhancing (2)#Goderich chider (2)# chowdering (2) W3#Wellington toweling W3 town-dwelling (2) OED#Grey erg gyresMelbourne bemourn (2) W2# double mordent (4) W3#Peel lee sleepRussell rules (2)# sulliersDerby bred breedy W3Aberdeen breaden W3 aberdevine (2) W3#Palmerston temporals W3 trampolinesDisraeli sideral W3 side rails W3Gladstone longest (2)# garden violets (4) W3#Salisbury burials (2)# bushy-tailed rats (6) W3#Rosebery soberer gooseberry (2) W3#Balfour flour (2)# four-ball W3Campbell-BannermanAsquith quash (2)# squattish (2) W3#George gorge engorgeLaw al W3 wallBaldwin bland (2)# windable W2MacDonald calando (2) W3# collared monad (4) W3#Chamberlain camel hair (2) W3# climbing hydrangea (5) W3#Churchill church (3)# chlorsulphonic (5) W2#Attlee elate talented (2)#Eden end needsMacmillan laminal (2) W3# animalculum (2) W3#Douglas-Home doghouse (3)# manganous chloride (6) W3#Wilson lions lowingsHeath hath healthCallaghan gallach (2) W3# pantographically (7) W3#Thatcher ratchet hatcheterMajor roam jorram W3Blair bail tribalAs can be seen, only the compound surname of Edwardian primeminister Henry Campbell-Bannerman presently stands in the wayof the table's completion. With its 17 letters, Campbell-Bannermanrequires, under my rules, a transdeletion that is at least 12letters long and a transaddition of no more than 34 letters,neither of which I was able to find. My search was by no means anexhaustive one, however, and the existence of the 11-lettertransdeletion balance beam suggests that a legal transdeletion,at least, for Campbell-Bannerman might eventually be found.Note: Those that add or subtract more than one letterindicated with #. JIM JimMiss Watson’s runaway slave; Huck’s traveling companion. [Am. Lit.: Huckleberry Finn]See : Escape PUDER Saratoga, California Saratoga (IPA: /ˌs?rəˈtoʊgə/[1]) is a city in Santa Clara County, California, USA. It is located on the west side of the Santa Clara Valley, in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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