Saturday, October 8, 2011

Service learning online. (New Products).

Service learning online. (New Products). Jones Knowledge,, Internet InternetPublicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world. It grew out of a U.S. Defense Department program called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969 with connections between computers at the , $220 per student "Volunteer School/Community Service" is an online coursefor secondary students created in response to President Bush's callfor citizens to volunteer and the increased interest in service learningcurriculum in schools. The course engages students in projects that help them appreciatethe concept of service and community, covering why people volunteer andidentifying global issues that would benefit from volunteerparticipation. Students play the roles of vice presidents of non-profitservice organizations and must plan, implement and analyze an��a��lyzev.1. To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations.2. To separate a chemical substance into its constituent elements to determine their nature or proportions.3. the successof their projects. To pass the course, they must complete 75 hours ofcommunity service that relate to all three of the project phases. Theprocess gives students tools they can use beyond volunteerism vol��un��teer��ism?n.Use of or reliance on volunteers, especially to perform social or educational work in communities.volunteerism, such asmanagement skills and values. Developed by Sagemont Virtual School, the online arm ofFlorida's Sagemont School, the course is offered to others on theJones e-education platform. CIRCLE #514 FOR INFORMATION [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]

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