Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sensory Integraton: A Guide for Preschool Teachers.

Sensory Integraton: A Guide for Preschool Teachers. SENSORY INTEGRATON: A Guide for Preschool Teachers A Preschool Teacher is a type of early childhood educator who instructs children from infancy to age 5, which stands as the youngest stretch of early childhood education. Early Childhood Education teachers need to span the continum of children from birth to age 8. . Christy Isbell& Rebecca Isbell. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House, 2007. 140 pp.$19.95. In a format written for the practitioner, this book definesSensory Integration sensory integrationn.The coordinated organization and processing of input from somatic sense receptors by the central nervous system. Processing (SIP), explains why it is important inthe development of preschool children, and discusses what happens whenthis normal process of development goes awry a��wry?adv.1. In a position that is turned or twisted toward one side; askew.2. Away from the correct course; amiss. See Synonyms at amiss. . The senses of sight,hearing, smell, taste, and touch are generally thought of as necessaryfor effective learning. This book stresses the importance of two other"senses" that may affect behavior and learning: balance andmovement. Using vivid examples of children's challenging behaviorsin classrooms, the authors introduce Sensory Integration Disorder Sensory Integration DisorderDefinitionSensory integration disorder or dysfunction (SID) is a neurological disorder that results from the brain's inability to integrate certain information received from the body's five basic sensory systems. (SID)as a possible reason for difficult behaviors and learning problems. Thebook clearly and systematically describes three types of children withSID: Sensory Avoiders, Sensory Seekers, or Sensory Under-Responders. With great detail, yet in a style that is easy to read andunderstand, the authors explain each possible scenario when childrenpresent with visual, auditory, or tactile tactile/tac��tile/ (tak��til) pertaining to touch. tac��tileadj.1. Perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible.2. Used for feeling.3. issues. The book givesunambiguous descriptions of each disability and a corresponding strategyto address the behaviors so that the practitioner can feel comfortableimplementing an appropriate strategy with her own preschool children.Although teachers are not diagnosticians, they often must search forsome relief for a child or the child's peers before a diagnosis hasbeen made. The recommended strategies are good techniques that may beused comfortably by all children; children with SID, however, needaccess to them in order to be successful in their classroom environment. This book is a wonderful tool for the preschool teacher. Theplethora of strategies and techniques are shared in such a way that theteacher will know what strategy to use specifically for whichchild's needs. The appendix provides directions on how to make someof the unique tools to help children with SID, as well as reproducible,condensed con��dense?v. con��densed, con��dens��ing, con��dens�� To reduce the volume or compass of.2. To make more concise; abridge or shorten.3. Physicsa. lists of the identifying cues for each area of need childrenwith SID may display. I highly recommend this book, as it providessensible options to help children with Sensory Integration Disorderlearn in the typical classroom. Reviewed by Janet S. Arndt, Ed.D.,Assistant Professor of Education, Gordon College There are three colleges named Gordon College: Gordon College (Georgia), a state-run public school in Barnesville Gordon College (Massachusetts), a private Christian liberal arts college in Wenham Gordon College (Rawalpindi) , Wenham, MA.

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