Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Snap, crackle and art a commercial success in abstract design.
Snap, crackle and art a commercial success in abstract design. MATERIALS * Cardboard food containers/cartons * Rubber cement * White glue * Scissors * Poster board * Tracing paper * Assorted patterned or textured papers * Black markers * Rulers LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will ... * utilize contour lines to explore the relationship betweennegative and positive space. * create a cohesive abstract design incorporating a variety ofcolors and textures for maximum visual impact. Rare is the art teacher who hasn't started his or her clay byslurping See pod slurping. a cup of coffee and mindlessly staring at the back of a gaudycereal box. If one has children and faces an assortment of theseiridescent ir��i��des��cent?adj.1. Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors: an iridescent oil slick; iridescent plumage.2. boxes in the breakfast table, it makes for a surrealconstruction of dancing puffed wheal wheal(hwel) a localized area of edema on the body surface, often attended with severe itching and usually evanescent; it is the typical lesion of urticaria. whealn. , smiling Olympic champions,growling corn flakes corn flakespl.n.A crisp, flaky, commercially prepared cold cereal made from coarse cornmeal. and crunching captains. It is unfortunate that these cardboard color-rests usually gettossed when their contents are consumed. They actually make a strangelyappealing and essential resource for an art project in abstract design. To start this project, the art teacher must first accumulate atleast one cereal box per student. Depending on their daily diet, this isnot hard to accomplish if the teacher enlists the aid of art students tocontribute an empty box apiece. It should be noted that other commercialcardboard cartons work as well. Boxes that once held crackers or cookiesalso provide fine raw material. (In fact, though not as unique as"Chartres Blue," there is something explosive about"Redenbacher Red" from the popcorn packaging.) In addition to cereal boxes, the art teacher should also accumulatea large pile of assorted papers that might include discarded maps,scraps of wrapping paper Noun 1. wrapping paper - a tough paper used for wrappingkraft, kraft paper - strong wrapping paper made from pulp processed with a sulfur solutionbutcher paper - a strong wrapping paper that resists penetration by blood or meat fluids , construction paper, stale manila drawingpaper, photocopied sheets of music, bland gray newsprint or even oldposters. Though multi-stepped, this assignment is quite simple and resultsare always visually interesting. The most creatively undernourished artstudent will eat this project up. Think of it as the "MondrianMunchies." Even first thing in the morning, it's light andfilling, and with plenty of zip! After the cartons are accumulated, they should be sliced down oneedge and then flattened to make a rectangular piece of colorfulcardboard. One can cut off the box tops The Box Tops were a Memphis pop music group of the late 1960s. They are best known for the hits "The Letter," "Soul Deep" and "Cry Like A Baby," and are considered a major blue-eyed soul group of the period. to make a perfect rectangle foreach student if desired. Next is the explanation to the students that they will use theirflattened cartons of commercial colors to create an abstract designusing repeating shapes. The students should decide what shape it is thatthey will cut out repeatedly and in various sizes. For the beginningstudents, it is wise to suggest that they cut out triangles. Discourageextremely elaborate shapes, as they are difficult to cut out initiallyas well as to reproduce. When the shapes have been cut out, each student should receive afairly large piece of white poster board or even brown cardboard. Thestudents should then be instructed to design a continuously linkedseries of their colorful shapes that string along from one side of theposter board to the other. Stress that these angular pieces should not just touch at the tips,but rather they should be linked side by side so that this"branch" or "river" going across the poster board issturdy and vivid. Smaller "twigs" or "tributaries"angling off from the main stream should be allowed to flourish andexpand. The assorted bits of bright colors, textures and lettering fromthe cereal boxes provide very interesting and abstract combinations oflight and When their arrangement is intriguing and completely across theposter board, they should glue down the pieces in their places. Whiteglue is acceptable for this, as the cardboard will not appear rippledwhen the glue dries. Following this step, the students should outline the exterior edgesonly of this jagged color shape with a thick black, felt-penned line. Asthe design will have clearly split the poster board into at least twonegative shapes, they are now ready to extend the black lines throughthe negative spaces onto the edge of the poster board. The blackextended lines may cross over one another, or stop when they bisect bi��sect?v. bi��sect��ed, bi��sect��ing, bi�� cut or divide into two parts, especially two equal parts.v.intr.To split; fork. linear relationship with the negative spaces nearby. When the students have finished dividing the negative spaces intosmaller, more interesting pieces, with black lines, they should then usetracing paper to outline those smaller empty shapes. They should cut thetracing-paper pattern-pieces out as well. Finally, the students experiment and see what other types ofpapers, colors or textures will work next to the abstract core that isalready glued in place. When they find some construction paper, textureor piece of a map that they want to incorporate, they use the tracingpaper shape as the pattern. After tracing out that particular piece,they cut it out, and, using rubber cement, apply it to the poster boardin its proper location. It's a bit like working in the preciseplacement of stained glass stained glass,in general, windows made of colored glass. To a large extent, the name is a misnomer, for staining is only one of the methods of coloring employed, and the best medieval glass made little use of it. . This is a gradual exercise that allowsstudents to manipulate visual elements and create an organic abstractdesign with a vivid focus. When all negative spaces have been filled, the last step is totighten up the edges by allowing the students to again outline allshapes with a black marker. This cleanly clean��ly?adj. clean��li��er, clean��li��estHabitually and carefully neat and clean. See Synonyms at clean.adv.In a clean manner.clean covers any shapes that mighthave been inaccurately cut and glued. The end result of all this effort is a project cleanly andprecisely abstract with an intentional construction that provides for avery impressive impact. To quote a well-fed tiger, "It's Grrrreat!" Steve King For the football player of the same name see Steve King (football player).Steven Arnold "Steve" King (born May 28 1949), American politician, has been a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives since 2003. teaches art at Mannheim High School in Mannheim,Germany.
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