Saturday, October 8, 2011
Serving as president: opportunities, discoveries, insights, and requests.
Serving as president: opportunities, discoveries, insights, and requests. Dear Colleagues, Thank you so very much for the privilege of serving as the 59thPresident (2003-2005) of the Association for Childhood EducationInternational (ACEI ACEI Angiotensin Converting Enzyme InhibitorACEI Association for Childhood Education InternationalACEI Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland ). This special experience afforded me opportunitiesto connect with our new, not-so-new, seasoned, former, and potentialmembers worldwide. Interacting with our next generation of educators hasbeen a wonderful highlight of these years. At the same time, I exploredour history in printed form and with our members and even visited theACEI Archives at the University of Maryland University of Maryland can refer to: University of Maryland, College Park, a research-extensive and flagship university; when the term "University of Maryland" is used without any qualification, it generally refers to this school . These experiences offeredgentle reminders that led to interesting discoveries, insights, andspecial requests. At the beginning of my term as President, I promised to: 1) carrythe banner for highquality education for all children, regardless ofgeographical location; 2) create and implement the Adopt a TeacherProgram; and 3) support the importance of recess and the value of playfor all children and youth. These promises set the stage for invitingall members and professional colleagues to reaffirm re��af��firm?tr.v. re��af��firmed, re��af��firm��ing, re��af��firmsTo affirm or assert their belief thatone person or a group of individuals can make a difference in the livesof children, their families, and teachers worldwide now, rather thanlater. Furthermore, these promises serve as a call for action whileasking us to reflect on these words: If you don't like the way the world is, you change it. Youhave an obligation to change it. You just do it one step at a time. Marian Wright Edehnan (Children's Defense Fund The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a national organization that is committed to the social Welfare of children. Founded in 1973, the nonprofit group uses its annual $9 million budget to lobby legislators and to speak out publicly on a broad array of issues on the law, the family, and ) Serving as President of ACEI has offered a unique vantage pointfrom which to reflect upon and ask questions about the changes in theACEI membership while connecting with our seasoned and new members.Nancy Bartlett Hitch hitchto fasten by a knot, usually used to describe tying a horse to a post. , a long-time Indiana ACEI member and retiredelementary classroom teacher, informed me that ACEI was the onlynational association to provide professional development for allelementary teachers when she entered the teaching profession in the1960s and continuing until the early 1980s. In Indiana and throughoutthe United States United States,officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. , supervisors and principals strongly encouraged newteachers to join ACEI and participate in the professional developmentworkshops and seminars offered by the state and local Branches. ACEI wasknown as "the voice" of and mentor for elementary school elementary school:see school. educators. M. Lucile Williams, retired principal and long-time FloridaACEI member, shared an experience similar to Nancy's. She alsoconsidered ACEI to have played a major leadership role in offeringprofessional development for all elementary teachers. My recent talks with new members revealed an interesting shift inwhat is or could be wanted or expected from ACEI. These members talkabout the multi-tasking that is a main and natural part of their lives.They want to see how an active membership in ACEI can fit into analready hectic hec��tic?adj.1. Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste: "There was nothing feverish or hectic about his vigor"Erik Erikson.2. and frantic lifestyle in a condensed con��dense?v. con��densed, con��dens��ing, con��dens�� To reduce the volume or compass of.2. To make more concise; abridge or shorten.3. Physicsa. version.Interesting!! Our leadership, Headquarters staff, and membership musttake a closer look at this request and develop a creative approach inresponding to it if increased diversity is one part of our plan forgrowing our membership. While responding to the new members, carefulattention must be given to the various groups that remain with us withregard to how these needs and wishes have changed. Our association faces many opportunities and challenges as wecontinue to advocate for high-quality education for all children, makeand sustain connections with families and guardians, and offer supportfor teachers worldwide while revisiting our mission with an eye towardnew possibilities. Seeking to uncover and understand what new,not-so-new, and seasoned members want from their association will openanother window of opportunity that will increase and sustain the groupof individuals who see membership in ACEI as a lifetime commitment.Maintaining an open line of communication to our student members willincrease the pipeline for retention during the first year of teaching. During my term as President, I have had many opportunities to talk,connect, and reflect with our members worldwide in person, via e-mail,by telephone, or via interactive two-way audio and video. Some specialhighlights of my term have been: * Working with the Executive Board to be good stewards and makemission-linked decisions * Listening to and responding to the wishes and concerns of ourmembers * Promoting the Adopt a Teacher Program * Recruiting new student members * Having a midnight snack Midnight Snack is the twelfth episode of season one of the television comedy series Robot Chicken. List of SkitsRandy the Oblivious Pizza Delivery Guy with our student members during ourconference each year * Serving on the National Teacher of the Year The National Teacher of the Year is a professional award in the United States. The program began in 1952, as a project by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and aims to reward excellence in teaching. It is sponsored by ING. Selection Panel * Visiting with ACEI Headquarters staff and having lunch * Sharing the good news about ACEI everywhere I go * Having meals, sitting, or walking with my ACEI family andfriends. Many highlights can only be written on my heart and stored in myspecial memory files. As I end my term of service to ACEI as President, I realize howthis experience has reaffirmed my belief that "one person or agroup of individuals can make a difference." This experience alsohas affirmed af��firm?v. af��firmed, af��firm��ing, af�� To declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true.2. To support or uphold the validity of; confirm.v.intr. my belief in using both the personal touch and technologyto communicate with our current and former members, prospective members,policymakers, government leaders, association allies, concerned others,grassroots organizations It may never be fully completed or, depending on its its nature, it may be that it can never be completed. However, new and revised entries in the list are always welcome. , and the general public. These approaches willmake a significant difference in terms of uniting our voices on behalfof children, youth, families, and teachers worldwide. Therefore, I have10 requests of our ACEI family as I leave the ACEI Presidency: * Will you keep children and youth at the center of everything youdo? * Will you continue to lead the advocacy campaign for high-qualityeducation and play opportunities for all children and youth at thelocal, state, province, and country levels? * Will you hold the ACEI leadership accountable for taking boldsteps to widen wid��en?tr. & intr.v. wid��ened, wid��en��ing, wid��ensTo make or become wide or wider.widen��er n. our membership circle to reflect the diversity of ourworld? * Will you continue to support the work and development of novice,experienced, seasoned, and retired educators? * Will you use your knowledge, skills, talents, and connections towork across cultures, regions, generations, and varied constituents tosupport children, families, and teachers? * Will you seek and explore new partnerships that advance ourmission? * Will you recommit re��com��mit?tr.v. re��com��mit��ted, re��com��mit��ting, re��com��mits1. To commit again.2. To refer (proposed legislation, for example) to a committee again. yourself to cooperation, collaboration, anddialogue? * Will you remember that the greatest gift is not being afraid toquestion? * Will you remember that the Executive Board has been elected bythe membership? * Will you accept the fact that ACEI is in transition and needsyour support as we continue carving carving,n the shaping and forming with instruments. our niche to serve our worldwidemembership? Consider these words: Our collective wisdom will guide us, informour decisions, and keep us connected. --Ruby Dee The return from your work must be the satisfaction which that workbrings you and the world's need of that work. --W.E.B. Du Bois Du Bois(d`bois, dəbois`), city (1990 pop. 8,286), Clearfield co., W central Pa., in the region of the Allegheny plateau; inc. 1881. I am looking forward to staying connected (; 317-274-6830). Warmest regards, JacquelineBlackwell President 2003-2005 P.S. Special messages of thanks to: Creator Sustaining throughoutthese years. Geneva Geneva, canton and city, SwitzerlandGeneva(jənē`və), Fr. Genève, canton (1990 pop. 373,019), 109 sq mi (282 sq km), SW Switzerland, surrounding the southwest tip of the Lake of Geneva. Blackwell Supporting and loving Jo AnnManes--Walking with me every step of the way Nancy and Ted Hitch Makingspecial trips! Milly Cowles Asking questions Osma Spurlock--Rememberingthe questions
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