Sunday, October 9, 2011
Among the New Books.
Among the New Books. Tools and technology: resource management and social organisation This quarter's selection on archaeologists' most reliablestock in trade, illustrates various approaches to tools, bothtraditional and exploratory. How do we assess such studies? They shouldreport on discoveries and address issues about context in ways of life.They should address preservation of evidence or report on interestingarchaeological methods and techniques. They should describe theevidence. PIERRE M. VERMEERSCH (ed.). Palaeolithic quarrying sites in Upperand Middle Egypt (Egyptian Prehistory prehistory,period of human evolution before writing was invented and records kept. The term was coined by Daniel Wilson in 1851. It is followed by protohistory, the period for which we have some records but must still rely largely on archaeological evidence to Monographs 4). 365 pages, 289figures, 89 tables. 2002. Leuven: Leuven University Press; 90-5867-266-2paperback 45 [euro]. ROBERT H. COBEAN. A world of obsidian: the mining and trade of avolcanic glass in ancient Mexico. 298+i pages, 173 figures, 27 tables.2002. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia;970-18-2508-X paperback. JOHN CURTIS & MIROSLAW KRUSZYNSKI with ALISTAIR PIKE. AncientCaucasian and related material in the British Museum (British MuseumOccasional Paper 121). vi+128 pages, 49 figures, 3 tables, 20 plates.2002. London: British Museum; 0-86159-121-6 (ISSN ISSNabbr.International Standard Serial Number 0142-4815) paperback20 [pounds sterling]. I.P. STEPHENSON. The Anglo-Saxon shield. 159 pages, 58 figures, 2tables. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2529-3paperback 17.99 [pounds sterling] & US$29.99. PAUL CRADDOCK & JANET LANG (ed.). Mining and metal productionthrough the ages. 296 pages, 209 b&w & colour figures, 31tables. 2003. London: British Museum Press; 0-7141-2770-1 hardback 65[pounds sterling]. P. NICK KARDULIAS & RICHARD W. YERKES (ed.). Written in stone:the multiple dimensions of lithic analysis, xvi+143 pages, 25 figures, 4tables. 2003. Lanham (MD): Lexington; 0-73910536-1 hardback 42 [poundssterling]. * Dr VERMEERSCH introduces 16 studies on aspects of more than 25years of research on the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic, illustratingcurrent interest in local strategies for exploiting resources. There arefive papers on Middle Palaeolithic chert chert:see flint. quarries. At least one complexis now doomed by fraught agricultural development. There follows a paperon an underground chert mine of the Upper Palaeolithic--'by far theoldest in the world' (p. 359)--approached through eleven or twelveshafts. The later quarries were 'more regular' and'systematic' (p. 359). Manufacture is appraised with the helpof simple but effective conventional drawings and some photographs (notall provided with scales), as well as analytic diagrams. There are alsothree papers on burials at the later site--apparently, the only onesknown of this period in northern Africa--and the bones, which arerelated, it is argued, to sub-Saharan specimens (cf. Antiquity 72:475:84). * R.H. COBEAN reports on intermittent fieldwork over nearly 30years and on concurrent neutron activation analysis Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) is a nuclear process used for determining certain concentrations of elements in a vast amount of materials. NAA allows discrete sampling of elements as it disregards the chemical form of a sample, and focuses solely on its nucleus. of more than 800specimens from 37 sources (with helpful discussion of statistics by M.D.Glascock), and he reviews the literature, including unpublished orobscure but fruitful references. He considers long-term trends insupply. He remarks that little is published on quarrying, while, forTeotihuacan, supposed industry notwithstanding, there has been noextensive excavation of a workshop--so could more have been said aboutM.D. Soto's work at Guachimonton? The customary American dependenceon photographs of the artefacts works poorly here (obsidian especiallyawkward), scales are not provided consistently, and most of the maps(even some of the photos of sites) are ineffective. The text ispublished, with Pittsburgh University, in both English and Spanish. CURTIS et al. catalogue, describe, illustrate and discuss 117pieces of copper alloy, bronze and (a few) ceramic pieces from the LateBronze Age & Early Iron Age Koban Culture, 44 of the same period inGeorgia and Azerbaijan (plus an iron spearhead), 33 'Objects ofScythian type' in copper alloy, bronze, gold and iron, and six'Misc. objects of Scythian type'. The drawings, mostly at 1:1or 1:2, work well, better than the photographs. Appended is a clear andconcise report on evidence in the bronzes of antinomy An expression in law and logic to indicate that two authorities, laws, or propositions are inconsistent with each other. ANTINOMY. A term used in the civil law to signify the real or apparent contradiction between two laws or two decisions. Merl. Repert. h.t. , arsenic and tinfrom an extensive programme of X-ray fluorescence and spectroscopy,showing 'use of particular alloys for specific tasks' (p. 92). Anglo-Saxon reviews, for the general reader, archaeologicalevidence, sculpture and manuscripts, and some comparative evidence towork out how the shields were made and used. The treatment is in thatorder--manufacture and use; but, as it should be, the chapter onuse--the soldier in battle and his symbolism--is the longer. Theillustrations are clear but, very oddly, most of those showing theequipment lack scales. PAUL CRADDOCK presents 18 studies of mining and metallurgy rangingfrom prehistoric Britain & Ireland (including a review by S.Timberlake of recent developments) to southern Africa, China ancient andmodern, and equipment found with the Copper Man from Chile (AmericanMuseum of Natural History). G. Weisgerber describes progressiveindustrial 'centralisation' in Jordan, from Chalcolithichouseholds to a single Roman smelter, and apparently back to domesticproduction in the Middle Ages. This observation helps to beg a questionfor the remark by VERMEERSCH & VAN PEER (see above): where theyascribe 'regular' quarrying to a 'concept', what wasthe sociological context? That is as pertinent to the MiddlePalaeolithic as to later periods. J. Phillips, contributing to the collection of discussions inWritten in stone with chaine operatoire analysis of an UpperPalaeolithic assemblage from the Sinai, argues that 'refitting andedge-wear ... indicates ... curation, food sharing, and ... taskspecific groups' (p. 14). R. YERKES, however, considers that MiddleWoodland N. American 'Craft specialization' was prompted notby 'growing populations or ... elites' (p. 27) but bycompetition between chiefdoms--an apt if slippery distinction. J. Cherry& W. Parkinson point out that stone tools found in the Aegean's'new wave' of intensive surveys comprise a valuable'dimension' of evidence emerging for all periods, Palaeolithicto Palatial pa��la��tial?adj.1. Of or suitable for a palace: palatial furnishings.2. Of the nature of a palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness: a palatial yacht. . For Bronze Age Greece and ban, KARDULIAS argues that'stone tools carry important data about ... economic structures,especially at the domestic level, in emergent states' (p. 122; cp.'Classic ... Maya', pp. 904ff, below), while, in a theoreticaldiscussion on 'state crafts', J.E. Clark insists (as before)that 'no blade workshop has yet been identified' atTeotihuacan (p. 125; cp. COBEAN). R. Tykot and J. Foradas discusschemical sourcing for the Mediterranean and Middle Woodland period,respectively. Stone tools, recommend the editors, 'provide data forcomparison of ... economies between different ... periods and ...cultures' (p. 4). Technology: water management DRAGOS GHEORGHIU (ed.). Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Agehydrostrategies (Acts of the XIVth UISPP UISPP Union Internationale des Sciences Pr��historiques et Protohistoriques (French: International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences )Congress, University of Liege liegeIn European feudal society, an unconditional bond between a man and his overlord. Thus, if a tenant held estates from various overlords, his obligations to his liege lord, to whom he had paid “liege homage,” were greater than his obligations to the other ,Belgium, 2-8 September 2001: Symposium C 10.2; British ArchaeologicalReports International Ser. 1123). vi+158 pages, 49 b&w & colourfigures, 5 tables. 2003. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-497-6 paperback27 [pounds sterling]. Dr GHEORGHIU introduces a miscellany on psychology and physiology;on 'The littoral littoral/lit��to��ral/ (lit��ah-r'l) pertaining to the shore of a large body of water. littoralpertaining to the shore. foundations of ... Uruk', on the Aegean andGreece, Gumelnita symbolism (GHEORGHIU), development of pastoralism PastoralismArcadiamountainous region of ancient Greece; legendary for pastoral innocence of people. [Gk. Hist.: NCE, 136; Rom. Lit.: Eclogues; Span. Lit. andwheeled vehicles in the Ukraine (Y. Rassamakin), and on the Titelberg(R. Rowlett). Drinking water drinking watersupply of water available to animals for drinking supplied via nipples, in troughs, dams, ponds and larger natural water sources; an insufficient supply leads to dehydration; it can be the source of infection, e.g. leptospirosis, salmonellosis, or of poisoning, e.g. , transport, flood control, each is shown tobe critical in one circumstance and another. The illustrations rangefrom very effective to very feeble. SOPHIE BERTHIER (ed.). Peuplement rural et amenagementshydroagricoles dans la moyenne vallee de l'Euphrate, fin VIIe-XIXesiecle, xx+586 pages, 167 figures, 65 tables. 2001. Damascus: InstitutFrancais de Damas; 2-901315-67-6 paperback. * J.-Y. Montchambert introduces six substantial studies on'rural occupation and hydroagricultural management' c.700-1800, by SOPHIE BERTHIER and colleagues, of the Euphrates valley inSyria from a little upstream of the Khabur confluence to the Iraqifrontier. They report on excavations among irrigation irrigation,in agriculture, artificial watering of the land. Although used chiefly in regions with annual rainfall of less than 20 in. (51 cm), it is also used in wetter areas to grow certain crops, e.g., rice. systems, animalbones (including artefacts) and insects, agricultural botany (a longcontribution in English by D. Samuel), cultural ecology (including bothirrigation and herding), and Arab history. RICHARD L. HILLS. The drainage of the Fens. 205 pages, figures, 15tables. 2003. Ashbourne: Landmark; 1-84306-074-4 hardback 19.95 [poundssterling]. The drainage--of the wetlands between Cambridge and Lincoln, inEngland--is an outstanding combination of landscape history andindustrial archaeology. Most elegantly produced, it is the second andwell updated edition of Machines, mills and uncountable uncountable - countable costlynecessities (1967), of which, at the time of writing this review, morethan 20 copies are out from Cambridgeshire public libraries (CountyCouncil pers. comm.). Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans IMMA KILIAN-DIRLMEIER. Kleinfunde aus dem Itonia-Heiligtum beiPhilia (Thessalien) (Romisch-Germanisches ZentralmuseumForschungsinstitut fur Vor--und Fruhgeschichte Monograph 48). xii+488pages, 53 figures, 191 plates. 2002. Mainz: Romisch-GermanischesZentralmuseum; 3-88467-064-6 (ISSN 0076-275X) hardback. * With ample discussions and spatial and chronological analysis,Kleinfunde catalogues in detail 3059 small finds in various materials,dating 750 BC to the Byzantine period, from a campaign of excavations ofa sanctuary at Philia, in Thessaly. The arrangement is by type ofobject, divided by eight periods to yield assemblages. This excellentlyillustrated and produced volume should prove of the highest value forreference. See too the picture review of Demetrias 6. ADRIAN GOLDSWORTHY. The complete Roman army. 224 pages, 138 b&willustrations, 107 colour illustrations, tables. 2003. London: Thames& Hudson; 0-500-05124-0 hardback 24.95 [pounds sterling]. JOSE MARIA BLAZQUEZ. El Mediterraneo y Eapana en la Antiguedad:historia, religion y arte. 847 pages, figures, 1 table. 2003. Madrid:Catedra; 84-376-2040-6 paperback. The complete Roman army is a packed and entertaining handbook forgeneral aficionados. See too 'Northern Europe' and'Britain & Ireland', below. Prof. BLAZQUEZ has compiled 38of his articles on evidence of archaeology, epigraphy epigraphy:see inscription. and literature forSpain's links with Classical civilisation and the Carthaginians. Northern Europe ANITA ANITA Antarctic Impulse Transient AntennaANITA Ammonia and Nitrification Analyzer RIECHE, HANS-JOACHIM SCHALLES & MICHAEL ZELLE (ed.).Grabung--Forschung--Prasentation: Festschrift fest��schrift?n. pl. fest��schrif��ten or fest��schriftsA volume of learned articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar. Gundolph Precht (XantenerBerichte Vol. 12). 381 pages, 272 b&w & colour figures, 4tables. 2002. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern; 3-8053-2960-1 hardback 75.70[euro]. * The latest Xanten report comprises 22 scholarly studies of findsand excavations from the Roman Rhine (emphasising Xanten), including oneon prehistoric background, with 13 on preservation, management andpresentation, including Greece, Turkey and Guatemala. It is packed withinterest, and it is splendidly produced. MARTIN CARVER (ed.). The cross goes north: processes of conversionin northern Europe, AD 300-1300. xiv+589 pages, 87 figures, 50 b&wphotographs. 2003. [York] York Medieval Press; 1-903153-11-5 hardback 75[pounds sterling] & US$130. * M. CARVER, introduces a pair on 'Processes', nine onChristian conversion in Britain & Ireland with one on northernFrance, and a dozen each on the English and on Germany and Scandinavia:this chunky book is substantial, rich in data, conceptually diverse andauthoritative; production is excellent. Cf. THOMAS in the next section. DAVID M. WILSON Sir David Mackenzie Wilson, KB (born October 30 1931) is an archaeologist, specialising in the Viking Age, and a museum director.He was the director of the British Museum from 1977 to 1992. (ed.). The northern world: the history and heritageof northern Europe AD 400-1100. 248 pages, b&w & colourillustrations. 2003. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-28430-Xpaperback 19.95 [pounds sterling]. Paperback edition of the 1980original. Britain & Ireland IAN IAN Interactive Affiliate NetworkIAN i am nothingIAN Instrumentation & Automation NewsIAN Ianuarius (Latin: January)IAN Instituto Agronomico Nacional (Paraguay)IAN Incident Area Network ARMIT. Towers in the north: the brochs of Scotland. 159 pages,53 figures, 23 colour photographs. 2003. Stroud & Charleston (SC):Tempus; 0-7524-1932-3 paperback 15.99 [pounds sterling] & US$26.99. Towers is a timely and approachable review for the general readerfrom a lively contributor to recent research on brochs, a distinctivetype of Iron Age building. It comes with a substantial bibliography. DAVID David, in the BibleDavid,d. c.970 B.C., king of ancient Israel (c.1010–970 B.C.), successor of Saul. The Book of First Samuel introduces him as the youngest of eight sons who is anointed king by Samuel to replace Saul, who had been deemed a failure. J.P. MASON. Roman Britain and the Roman navy. 224 pages, 108figures, 18 colour photographs. 2003. Stroud & Charleston (SC):Tempus; 0-7524-2541-2 paperback 17.99 [pounds sterling] & US$29.99. GUSTAV MILNE. The port of Medieval London. 192 pages, 92 figures,15 colour photographs. 2003. Stroud & Mount Pleasant (SC): Tempus;0-7524-2544-7 paperback 17.99 [pounds sterling] & US$29.99. RICHARD MORRISS. The archaeology of railways. 191 pages, 120figures, 31 colour photographs. 2003. Stroud & Charleston (SC):Tempus; 0-7524-2854-3 paperback 15.99 [pounds sterling] & US$26.99. Roman Britain covers the tactical and strategic history and thearchaeology of deployment and infrastructure, relating navy to army. InThe port, a leading archaeologist sums up the history and topography,economics and technology. The archaeology of railways is newly inpaperback. STEPHEN FRIAR. The Sutton companion to castles. viii+344 pages,figures, 23 colour photographs. 2003. Stroud: Sutton; 0-7509-2744-5hardback 20 [pounds sterling]. RICHARD FAWCETT. Scottish Medieval churches: architecture andfurnishings. 384 pages, 367 figures. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC):Tempus; 0-7524-1463-1 paperback 17.99 [pounds sterling] & $29.99. SAM HUTCHISON. Towers, spires & pinnacles: a history of thecathedrals and churches of the Church of Ireland Noun 1. Church of Ireland - autonomous branch of the Church of England in IrelandAnglican Church, Anglican Communion, Church of England - the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs); has its see in Canterbury . ix+154 pages, 133colour photographs. 2003. Bray: Wordwell; 1-869857-57-7 hardback. Substantial and elegantly produced, The Sutton companion is anencyclopedia running from 'adulterine' or 'Anarchy,the' to 'gargoyle' and 'garrison', 'Wales,native castles', 'weapons and harness','yeoman' and 'yett'. It does not cover particularcastles but does provide a bibliography and a long list of addresses. * Scottish Medieval is a fine, systematic, detailed and wellillustrated historical analysis, replete with comprehensivebibliography. Research hitherto has been hampered, it is argued, byreliance on studies of England; indeed, to understand Scottish churches,it is urged, makes for better appreciation of those in northern England.A selective gazetteer gazetteer(găz'ĭtēr`), dictionary or encyclopedia listing alphabetically the names of places, political divisions, and physical features of the earth and giving some information about each. and ample bibliography help to make this a keybook. Towers is pithily pith��y?adj. pith��i��er, pith��i��est1. Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief: a pithy comment.2. Consisting of or resembling pith. written, pleasantly illustrated, interestingand, no doubt, reliable, but not academic. SEAN DUFFY (ed.). Medieval Dublin IV: the proceedings of theFriends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2002. 368 pages, 125 figures, 28tables. 2003. Dublin: Four Courts; 1-85182-743-9 hardback 55 [euro]& 45 [pounds sterling], 1-85182-744-7 paperback 24.95 [euro] &19.95 [pounds sterling]. JOHN SCHOFIELD & AlAN VINCE VINCE Vendor Independent Network Control Entity . Medieval towns: the archaeology ofBritish towns in their European setting (2nd ed.). xii+335 pages, 129figures. 2003. London: Continuum; 0-8264-6002-X hardback 80 [poundssterling], 0-8264-6130-1 paperback 25 [pounds sterling]. CHRISTOPHER DANIELL. From Norman Conquest to Magna Carta Magna Cartaor Magna Charta[Lat., = great charter], the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued by King John at Runnymede under compulsion from the barons and the church in June, 1215. : England1066-i215. xiv+258 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. 2003. London: Routledge;0-415-22215-X hardback, 0-415-22216-8 paperback. Medieval Dublin comprises 13 scholarly studies in archaeology,physical anthropology, historical topography, and economic and legalhistory. Medieval towns is updated (1st ed. 1994) and thoughtfullyamplified. DANIELL's systematic and scholarly history helps toprovide background. The hardback editions of the next titles were reviewed by ANTIQUITYin Vol. 73, pp. 206-7, and Vol. 74, p. 958, respectively. CHARLES THOMAS. Christian Celts: messages and images (2nd ed.). 223pages, 80 figures. 2003. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus;0-7524-2849-7 paperback 14.99 [pounds sterling] & US$24.99. NICK AITCHISON. Scotland's stone of destiny. 162 pages, 73figures, 27 colour illustrations. 2003. Stroud & Charleston (SC):Tempus; 0-7524-2848-9 paperback 14.99 [pounds sterling] & US$24.99. See too HILLs in 'Technology: water', above. Asia AREN AREN Alternative Religions Education NetworkAREN Australia's Research and Education Network M. MAEIR, SHIMON DAR & ZE'EV SAFRAI (ed.). The rurallandscape of ancient Israel (British Archaeological ReportsInternational Set. 1121). vi+84 pages, 95 b&w figures, 2 colourmaps, 5 tables. 2003. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-499-2 paperback 31[pounds sterling]. Papers from the 36th meeting of the Seminar forArabian Studies held in London, 18-20 July 2002: Proceedings of theSeminar for Arabian Studies (Vol. 33). xiv+359 pages, figures, tables.2003. Oxford: Archaeopress; 0-9539923-4-9 (ISSN 0308-8421) paperback. A.M. MAEIR et al. introduce ten papers ranging across a stimulatingvariety of topics from Early Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. The Seminarcomprises 26 studies in archaeology, epigraphy, history and ethnography.See too BERTHIER in 'Technology: water', above. CLAUDINE BAUTZE-PICRON with JOACHIM K. BAUTZE. The Buddhist muralsof Pagan: timeless vistas of the cosmos, xiv+242 pages, 254 colourillustrations, 5 maps. 2003. Bangkok: Orchid; 974-524-025-7 hardback. KEMIN HU. Scbolars' rocks in ancient China: the Suyuan stonecatalogue, xii+163 pages, 191 colour & b&w illustrations, 1table. 2002. Bangkok: Orchid; 974-524-016-8 hardback. JOSEPH CHANG, QIANSHEN BAI n. 1. a language spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan.Noun 1. Bai - the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Dali region of YunnanBaic & STEPHEN D. ALLEE. In pursuit ofheavenly harmony: paintings and calligraphy calligraphy(kəlĭg`rəfē)[Gr.,=beautiful writing], skilled penmanship practiced as a fine art. See also inscription; paleography.European CalligraphyIn Europe two sorts of handwriting came into being very early. by Bada Shamren from theestate of Wang fangyu and Sum Wai. xx+203 pages, colour & b&willustrations. 2003. Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution;974-524-030-3 hardback. * The Medieval murals of Pagan are exceedingly well documented byJ.K. BAUTZE'S photographs and described and discussed in somedetail by C. BAUTZE-PICRON. From the same publisher comes the discussionand translation of part of Lin Youlin's stone catalogue,accompanied by discussions about the thought-provoking Medieval andearly modern objets trouves plus supplementary essays, all veryattractively illustrated. Orchid has helped too to produce the book onBada Sbamren (1626-1705). Among the following, from Manohar, ANTIQUITYreaders may be drawn especially to HUSSAIN's study of coinage and,in Shahjahanabad, to the essay on 'changing perceptions ofspace' in the Red Fort. SYED EJAZ HUSSAIN. The Bengal sultanate: politics, economy andcoins (AD 1205-1576). xviii+467 pages, 5 figures, 32 plates. 2003. NewDelhi: Manohar; 81-7304-482-1 hardback Rs1100. ECKART EHLERS & THOMAS KRAFFT (ed.). Shahjahanabad/Old Delhi:tradition and colonial change (2nd ed.). 135 pages, 22 figures, 2 colourillustrations. 2003. New Delhi: Manohar; 81-7304-464-3 hardback Rs600. DENIS VIDAL, GILLES TARABOUT & ERIC MEYER (ed.).Violence/non-violence: some Hindu perspectives (tr. Chandrasekhar &Nissim Marshall). 328 pages. 2003. New Delhi: Manohar; 81-7304-471-6hardback Rs650. Egypt, Africa JOYCE TYLDESLEY. Pyramids: the real story behind Egypt's mostancient monuments, xx+262 pages, 26 figures, 30 b&w photographs.2003. London: Viking; 0-670-89322-6 hardback 18.99 [pounds sterling]& CAN$42. Pyramids looks a sound and well written general introduction. Cf.too VERNUS & YOYOTTE in 'Reference'. On the next title,see ANTIQUITY 76, pp. 921-2. DAVID W. PHILLIPSON. Archaeology in Africa and in museums: aninaugural lecture given in the University of Cambridge, 22 October 2002.iii+27 pages. 2003. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press (known colloquially as CUP) is a publisher given a Royal Charter by Henry VIII in 1534, and one of the two privileged presses (the other being Oxford University Press). ; 0-521-53722-3paperback 7.95 [pounds sterling] &US$11. Americas TERENCE N. D'ALTROY. The Incas. xv+391 pages, 62 figures, 14tables. 2003. Malden (MA) & Oxford: Blackwell; 1-4051-1676-5paperback $19.95 & 15.99 [pounds sterling]. GARY URTON. Signs of the Inka khipu: binary coding in the Andeanknotted-string records. xi+202 pages, 45 figures, 6 tables. 2003. Austin(TX): University of Texas Press; 0-292-785399 hardback, 0-292-78540-2paperback. DAVID CARRASCO & EDUARDO MATOS MOCTEZUMA Eduardo Matos Moctezuma (b. 1940) is a prominent Mexican archaeologist. Since 1978 he is in charge of the excavations at the Templo Mayor and the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City. with Anthony F. Aveni& Elizabeth Hill Boone (asst. ed. Scott Sessions). Moctezuma'sMexico: visions of the Aztec world (2nd ed.). xv+214 pages, colour &b&w illustrations. 2003. Boulder (CO): University Press of Colorado The University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit publisher supported partly by Adams State College, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Mesa State College, Metropolitan State College of Denver, the University of Colorado, the University of Northern Colorado, and Western ;0-87081-676-4 paperback. The Incas: awaiting this long awaited general introduction, firstout in hardback last year, was very well worth it. Quipus quipusor khipus(kē`pz), groups of strings, knotted for tally, which were used by the Inca for keeping records and sending messages. : solid andoriginal attempts to work out the technique of the khipu come out atlong, irregular intervals. This latest, positing 'seven levels of... decision making' (p. 42) is from a leading culturalanthropologist. First out in 1992, Moctezuma's now has a chapter onsymbolic resonances for Chicanos. RODRIGO LIENDO STUAIIDO. The organization of agriculturalproduction at a Classic Maya center: settlement patterns in the Palenqueregion, Chiapas, Mexico (with tr. by Concepcion Obregon Rodriguez). 227pages, 70 figures. 2002. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologiae Historia; 970-18-9510-X paperback. Dr LIENDO has made very valuable discoveries of technology andorganisation, including historical change; but his report has beenedited badly. It is mostly bilingual (Spanish). MITCH J. HENDRICKSON. Design analysis of Chihuahuan polychrome pol��y��chrome?adj.1. Having many or various colors; polychromatic.2. Made or decorated in many or various colors: polychrome tiles.n. jarsfrom North American North Americannamed after North America.North American blastomycosissee North American blastomycosis.North American cattle ticksee boophilusannulatus. museum collections (British Archaeological ReportsInternational Ser. 1125). vii+107 pages, 67 figures, 21 tables. 2003.Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-501-8 paperback 27 [pounds sterling]. M.J. HZNDRICKSON identified two 'design horizons',embracing over-lapping 'types'. He detected some Mesoamericaninfluence. JOHN H. HANN. Indians of central and south Florida, 1513-1763.xiv+252 pages, 5 maps. 2003. Gainesville (FL): University Press ofFlorida; 0-8130-2645-8 hardback $39.95. KATHLEEN DEAGAN. Ceramics, glassware, and beads (Artifacts of theSpanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500-1800 [Vol. 1]).xxii+222 pages, 141 figures, 8 plates, 10 tables. 1987. Washington (DC):Smithsonian Institution; 0-87474-393-1 paperback 30 [pounds sterling]. Indians is a thorough anthropological history, including review ofarchaeological research. DEAGAN, reissued, was reviewed in ANTIQUITY 62(pp. 596-7). DEBORAH L. ROTMAN & ELLEN-ROSE SAVULIS (ed.). Shared spaces anddivided places: material dimensions of gender relations and the Americanhistorical landscape, xi+260 pages, 31 figures, 12 maps. 2003. Knoxville(TN): University of Tennessee Press The University of Tennessee Press (or UT Press), founded in 1940, is a university press that is part of the University of Tennessee. External linkUniversity of Tennessee Press ; 1-57233-234-4 hardback $39.50. Shared spaces comprises nine case studies and essays on built anddesigned environments in the USA with an introductory discussion. Itincludes several of interest for archaeologists. Reference PASCAL VERNUS & JEAN YOYOTTE. The book of the pharaohs (tr.David Lorton). xi+244 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. 2003. Ithaca (NY):Cornell University Press; 0-8014-4050-5 hardback $35 & 21.95 [poundssterling]. The book of the pharaohs is a comprehensive and sober encyclopediawith substantial entries on persons and peoples, sites and places,institutions, chronology, methodology, etc. TIMOTHY DARVILL. The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology,xi+506 pages, 8 figures. 2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press;0-19-280005-1 paperback 9.99 [pounds sterling]. The hardback edition of The concise Oxford was reviewed inANTIQUITY Vol. 76, pp. 574-5. Also received: Classics BARRY B. POWELL. Homer, xvi+176 pages, 2 maps. 2003. Malden (MA)& Oxford: Blackwell; 0-631-23385-7 hardback $59.95 & 50 [poundssterling], 0-631-23386-5 paperback $24.95 & 15.99 [pounds sterling]. JON D. MIKALSON. Herodotus and religion in the Persian Wars.xiv+269 pages, 5 maps. 2003. Chapel Hill (NC): University of NorthCarolina Press The University of North Carolina Press (or UNC Press), founded in 1922, is a university press that is part of the University of North Carolina. External linkUniversity of North Carolina Press ; 0-8078-2798-3 hardback 3.50 [pounds sterling]. SIMON Simon,in the Bible.1 One of the Maccabees.2 or Simon Peter: see Peter, Saint.3 See Simon, Saint.4 Kinsman of Jesus.5 Leper of Bethany in whose house a woman anointed Jesus' feet. PRICE & EMILY KEARNS (ed.). The Oxford dictionary ofClassical myth and religion, xl+599 pages, 3 maps, 6 charts. 2003.Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-280288-7 hardback 25 [poundssterling] & US$39.95.
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