Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Smynonyms or definitive palindromes.
Smynonyms or definitive palindromes. A definitive palindrome palindrome:see anagram. consists of a word or phrase plus itsdefinition (loosely speaking) which together form a palindrome, likeSusan SUSAN Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating NucleusSUSAN Sub Saharan African NetworkSUSAN Smart Ultrasonic System for Aircraft NDE Thorpe's diary--yr. aid (97-186). The ideal case is a pair ofsynonymic syn��o��nym?n.1. A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language.2. A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another.3. reversals like pat--tap, (B) the first to appear in Word Ways(74-172). Such reversals deserve a palindromic pal��in��dro��micadj.Relapsing; recurring. name. I offer"smynonyms"--SyMmetrical SYNONYMS, or, in anagrams an��a��gram?n.1. A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain.2. anagrams (used with a sing. , Msynonyms, the M representing symmetry--M mystery as in palindromes--I"M" a splendor SplendorAladdin’s palacebuilt of marble, gold, silver, and jewels. [Arab. Lit.: Arabian Nights]Alhambrathe palatial 13th-century Moorish citadel in Granada, noted for its lofty situation, beautiful courts, and fountains. . It's it's?1. Contraction of it is.2. Contraction of it has. See Usage Note at'sit is or it hasit'sbe ~have a tongue-twister tongue-twistern → trabalenguas m invtongue-twistertongue n → Zungenbrecher mtongue-twistern but a perfectphonic phon��icadj.Of, relating to, or having the nature of sound, especially speech sounds.phonicpertaining to the voice. palindrome--s-m-y-n-o-n-y-m-s. In lower-case it's a flat-top adj. 1. having a flat or flattened upper surface.Adj. 1. flat-top - having a flat or flattened upper surfaceflat-toppedtopped - having a top of a specified character crocodile crocodile,large, carnivorous reptile of the order Crocodilia, found in tropical and subtropical regions. Crocodiles live in swamps or on river banks and catch their prey in the water. They have flattened bodies and tails, short legs, and powerful jaws. with two heads! They seem to breathe fire, but that'sjust medium hype hype?1? Slangn.1. Excessive publicity and the ensuing commotion: the hype surrounding the murder trial.2. . It's actually quite gentle: all its letters arerounded, even its legs. Not so in upper-case upper-caseAdjectivedenoting capital letters as used in printed or typed matter where Rounded and Straightletters make a yummy double-decker sandwich, RSSSRSSSR. Salami on darkRye? Dmitri Dmitri(dəmē`trē)or Demetrius(dĭmē`trēəs), 1582–91, czarevich, son of Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) of Russia. Borgmann Borgmann is a surname of German origin. Some of the people by the name are: Albert Borgmann, philosopher. Annemarie Borgmann, Green Party politician. Bennie Borgmann, American basketball player. Dmitri Borgmann, author. in Language on Vacation (Scribners, '65, p.44)introduced both synonymic and antonymic reversals. Tom Pulliam dug upeleven more synonyms (75-111) based on uncommon meanings or variant variant/var��i��ant/ (var��e-ant)1. something that differs in some characteristic from the class to which it belongs.2. exhibiting such variation.var��i��antadj. spellings. More recently Dan Tilque and Dave Morice Mor´icen. 1. See Morisco. introduced antonymsto Word Ways (03-146), citing suer--reus (plaintiff v. defendant) andtip--pit (C), (high v. low points). I added ban--nab (keep out v. grabin) and nonce (Number ONCE) An arbitrary number that is generated for security purposes such as an initialization vector. A nonce is used only one time in any security session. Although random and pseudo-random numbers theoretically produce unique numbers, there is the possibility that de-/re- swaps like deleveler--releveled (03-190). Tip--pitis a double, antonyms and synonyms, as both mean garbage garbage:see solid waste. dump in Oz. (A) I gave 90 definitive or antonymic palindromes in up/dn. I've I've?Contraction of I have.I'veI haveI'vehave now located four times as many and present the best half, by thecriteria of 03-91. Counting unequal two-worders like lie--veil 39% aresmynonyms. I exclude non-definitive cognates like auk--skua (D')(related birds), bok--kob (related antelopes, Francis Francis, French prince, duke of Alençon and AnjouFrancis,1554–84, French prince, duke of Alençon and Anjou; youngest son of King Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici. 74-172), boo--oob(two cries, cf. 80-250), RAC--car (Royal Auto. Club, Gooch Gooch may stand for: A surname of Welsh origin meaning "ruddy, red" or a derivation of a surname of Dutch origin, predominantly encountered in East Anglia A fist sized male pattern bald spot when the owner has shoulder length hair. 98-267),leer--reel (C), (vbs or nouns), a tonic--"Cuppa cup��pa?n. Chiefly BritishA cup of tea.[Short for cuppa tea, alteration of cup of tea.]Noun 1. cappuccino cap��puc��ci��no?n. pl. cap��puc��ci��nosEspresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream.[Italian, ,ta!" and Ais--Sia (Amerindian tribes). (P) Can readers add othergood ones, or attribute any of the "new" (unmarked) ones?air aria (C)bandit "I'd nab." (C')baobab a boab [same tree (0z)] (A)bargain an "I a grab!"bit fib [girt] (P)bog gob [brag] (P)bonk knob [= = double synonyms, as nouns (hill) (P)and as slang vbs (have sex with) [Gooch 98-264]bucklet elk cub (A)bun nub [knot] (P)burger re grub [maggots?]burn rub [literal and figurative]but tub [cask] (P)case sac (C)decision "((No!)?)?" is iced.Deity Lo, Holy-tieddelivered dereviled [eg, the Exodus] (C')denier reined (C)denude 'duned'deuced 'decued' [haven't got a cue!] (A)diary yr. aid (T)dick CID (A)dignitary "rating" ID [after C.McManus 97-117]dilapidate set a dip, a liddilemma jam-me lid (A)Dogma I. "I am ... God" [First Commandment] (A)editorial "lair o' tide"erase so loses "are"ere were (Ere we were here we were.) (C'),(C)Erebus sub 'ereerotic "it" ore"evil" Is aname of a foe man, as I live! (C)fib a fab "if" [Ani102-28]"from" late of foetal morf (A)gateman sees name tag (D')girdle held rig (A)gulped deplug [throat clearing]ID "I"initiate Set a 'it' in, I. ['it' = whatever]iota (1) 'at' 0 (2) "t" [near zero; Greek i] (A)knifeman Name fink. [C. McManus 97-117]knur 'tar' a trunk [tar-looking excrecence on tree]laggard "drag gal" [not a drag racer gal--or guy]lava E (hp) upheaval [Energy (horsepower)] (A)lie veilloom mool [rich soil (variants of loam, mold)] (P)mas sam [collect (mas = mass)] (P)maw warn [belly (warn = womb)] (P)mediate net-aid 'emmimic "I'm 'im."moot toom [toom = empty (Scot.)]moron "no ROM" (T)nix "ex" innoose I die soon.not new went onpacifism ire-rims if I cap [stopper anger, hate]parabola a lob (a 'rap!) [wrap, 'in sum'] (D')paste set sappat tap (B) [antonyms in poker!]patron (or "tap")pint "nip" (A,C')plea 'Elp!PM # 1 MP [Prime Minister, top Memb. Parlaiment]"Pogo" bog op. [swamp creatures!]pot top [outdo] (B)pull a bat I hit a ball up. (C')pupa a 'pup' (T)purr "r-r-r" upput tup [to butt] (P)Rd. Drrelapse He's paler. (A,C')retard a bad raterrevere "Her, ever!" (A)revote vet overRex ER [King Elizabeth, to be p.c.] (A)Rise! Nor prone, Sir! [a knighting?]Ross essay assessor [Eckler's own definitive logo!]ROTC a raw war actor (A)same Dig "idem", "as".sci-fi 'If-ics' (A)semantic It names. [see also Antonyms]senile Gat age lines. [gat: a senile form of got] (C)[sic] (Is!)sign in I fed defining "I"s. [cf. ID] (A)slang is signals D(C)spot-on no tops [Couldn't be closer. (Monokinis?)]stales 'set-ats' [conditions]stew to potato-pot wetsstolid lo, 'cold I' lots (A)strategy "get" artsstress assertstestes 'rock corset' set [lock contents]testate "Set" at, set 'testate set' at "set". (A)[A well-off sets up hir heirs, the 'testate set' (turtles?).]tiff "fit" [fought (dial.) or threw a fit]tiny "nit" (A)tola a lot [Hindi weight, c. 11 gm (not a lot!)]toper re pot (D')to ripen epi-rotturn un-rut (A)vulgar 'rag luv' [pulp fiction]w/l = l/(l+w) [Golden Rectangle, width/length] (A')Xerxes ex-Rex (C)y- re "very" [intensifying prefix] (A)Yo-ho! Hoy!some macaronics:ape epa [E.=Welsh] (B)arie eira [threshing floor, Rom.=Port.] (B)el le [masculine the, Sp.=Fr.] (B)etat state [Fr.=E.] (C)"States " "Etats" [the U.S. in France] (B')sol los [solution. dissolve(d), E.=G.] (A)Sris Sirs [respected misters, Hindi = E.]POLYS and COMPOSITEScastration no "it"-art sac, no 'I/tarts' a/c [account]die de-ID (A)dies 'reverse' ID (A)dissipate Set a piss ID, piss sip. [beer] (A)doze "e-z" OD (A)e-z = e'er "breeze" (A)drawn (1) inward (2) onward (C,C)food do of (A) (doo food??) [Ain't it all?]tug, food ado of gut"G" Genome DNA ([right arrow] RNA 'n' ran (A')dem on egg. Gametes set 'em a G.) (A)knock conk, (C) knap, spank, rap, spar[striking similarities (a 3-pals composite) (pals??)]"No!" It is opposition. (C)"No" it, pose "yes" option. (A,C')"No!" It agendas a sad negation. (A')no. n / none nonnonet "ten on" none ten on["Going on ten" but can't add a tenth and still be a honer.]"one mind"id 'n' I + me? no,id 'n' I = me! no?PalindromePar-in model led omni-rapon relap 'mid dim, paler 'no.'.[4 anagrams forming 2 palindromes and a weak definition:"Amid dull number(s) a reversal shines." Par-in meansideal, as in golf. (Included for pertinence, not quality!)]pals Slap-swap paws. (D,D)["high five" (These two "pals" also define palindromes!)]pass sapgas pass sap, sag [No, balloons!]Pirates (A')Sea trip, ... set a rip! (D')"Lob my symbol, sail an alias. (C)To pirate, tar I pot, pirate, 'Ta! R.I.P.'."[So long and thanks for all the flesh. 5-pal composite (A)plus 'sea trip', a metathetic pal: PIRATES]power re wop (A') "wop! pow!" [Gooch 98-268]spools loops / loop spool [nouns/vbs]Tao "Be!" boat "Tao L, float!"['Be here now. Go with the flow.' Tao basics for Learners]wayward Draw yaw. (A) (yaw = sway) (C)"we" I've wide-bed I=we view. [editorial we]we, I--very rare 'ill literary review (C)woe ow! / w/o woe o, wow!yen o' money: yen = one [yen] (D',A)yobbo (1) SOB boy (2) mob boy[Oz hooligan 2. in gang, or ganger up on innocents]1+12 = 2+11 (I+XII = II+XI) [etc, cf 02-308] (A)ANTONYMS and Doubles (ant. or syn.)"Reversed Spelling, Reversed Meaning" (Morice 03-146)ban nab [a double: contraband] [Anil 03-190]devastate set at saved (A)ebb be (C)firm "Mr. If" (A)hear a ear, a "eh?" [a double]level non-level [a type--can use any word pal] (C')meet teem [a double double: both = fill, (P) meet also= scant (arch.) and teem = abound or empty out]no bra garb on [D. Woodside 96-138]no 'in' union"No!" it. Air a variation. [a double]no tell let onOK KO [vbs]one no [binary system]pin nip [vbs; a double: syn. (seize), (B)ant. (hold down v." lift")]rapture rut, par [a double: good sex and golf!]re gal liveliness: senile villager [a double?]semantic illicit namesstraps parts (trap, part) [4 tr. vbs] (C')suer reus [see introduction] [Tilque 03-146]ta-ta sat at [said goodbye v. stayed put]tip pit [a double: see introduction] (C',A)tiptop pot pit (C)tramp "up mart"way yaw [a double: syn. (movement of a vesselthru water), [[P ant. (on vs. off course)]wonky know [idea or data; a double to skeptics] (A')yo! oy! [yes! v. no!]yoni no (Y) (A') (A) = Anil, up/dn (WW Monograph 5, '02) or "DefinitiveAnagrams" 03-91 & 279, 04-274 (B) = D. Borgmann, WW 74-241 (P) = T. Pulliam, 75-111 (T) = S. Thorpe Thorpe? , James Francis Known as "Jim." 1888-1953.American athlete. An outstanding collegiate football player, he later played professional football and baseball. , 97-186 (C) = in S.J.Chism, From A to Zotamorf (WW Monograph 4, '92) (D) = in M. Donner Donner is a variation of Donar, the German name of the god Thor — particularly as a character in Richard Wagner's opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen. It can also refer to: Francesca Donner, former first First Lady of South Korea. Fred M. , I Love Me, Vol. I (Algonquin, NC, '96) (A', C', D') = modified therefrom there��from?adv.From that place, time, or thing.Adv. 1. therefrom - from that circumstance or source; "atomic formulas and all compounds thence constructible"- W.V. Unmarked are newas far as I know. A few resemble (C)s or others but aremeaning-modified. ANIL Perth, Australia Perth may refer to: Perth, Western Australia, the capital of the Australian state of Western Australia City of Perth, a Local Government Area in and around the central business district of Perth
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