Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Smart Apple Media.

Smart Apple Media. Smart Apple Media 1980 Lookout Dr., N. Mankato MN 56003 $27.10 each 1-800-445-6209 Smart Apple Media simply excels in bright titles inviting leisure learners to partake, from its 'Religion in Focus' series revealing the history and religious symbols and rituals of Christianity Christianity,religion founded in Palestine by the followers of Jesus. One of the world's major religions, it predominates in Europe and the Americas, where it has been a powerful historical force and cultural influence, but it also claims adherents in virtually (1583404651) and Buddhism (1583404643) to its gathering of stories from ancient civilizations in Egypt (1583406182) and Greece (158340-6190) to Medieval history such as Kathy Elgin's Knights And Chivalry chivalry(shĭv`əlrē), system of ethical ideals that arose from feudalism and had its highest development in the 12th and 13th cent. (1583405-682) and Sean Sheehan's Castles (15834-05690). But Smart Apple doesn't limit its productions to history and religion: its ever-expanding roundup of series adds includes science, health, social issues and liberal arts liberal arts,term originally used to designate the arts or studies suited to freemen. It was applied in the Middle Ages to seven branches of learning, the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. with such contributions as the 'Micro World' series Microscopic microscopic/mi��cro��scop��ic/ (mi?kro-skop��ik)1. of extremely small size; visible only by the aid of the microscope.2. pertaining or relating to a microscope or to microscopy. Life In Your Body (1583404708) and Microscopic Life In The Garden (1583404732), with Sean Connolly's social surveys the 'In Time of Need' series covering War (1583403914) and Fire (1583403922), with its 'Body in Action series Eating (1583404368) and Moving (1583404376), and with its excellent 'Body Science' titles Inside The Brain (1583404627) and Digesting Food (1583404619). While similar topics have been covered elsewhere in other age-appropriate titles for grades 2-4, these books excel because of their clearer organization, their more inviting color illustrations, and for their ability to appeal to both a leisure browsing See browse. audience and a young researcher alike.

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