Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Slub glub.

Slub glub. Fun and games "Fun and Games" is an episode of the original The Outer Limits television show. It first aired on 30 March, 1964, during the first season. Opening narration in a logological family. From time immemorial we havedeliberately mispronounced words. An example of this is the word agendawhere we always emphasize the first syllable and use a hard"g." We use this word often as in "What'stoday's agenda?" In other words Adv. 1. in other words - otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke"put differently , what are the plannedactivities for today? I have to remember to pronounce the word correctlywhen I'm in the real world, lest I be thought ignorant. We also like to create similar-sounding, but humorous and oftenapt, names for businesses and institutions. We buy our groceries at ShipRot (Shop Rite) or the Big Onion (Grand Union). We read our newspaperThe Daily Wretched (The Daily Record), and I volunteer at a localnursing home, Morbid View (Morris View). We buy our hardware at HomeDespot DESPOT. This word, in its most simple and original acceptation, signifies master and supreme lord; it is synonymous with monarch; but, taken in bad part, as it is usually employed, it signifies a tyrant. (Home Depot), and our daughter graduated from Fairly Ridiculous(Fairleigh-Dickinson) University. We deliberately transpose trans��posev.To transfer one tissue, organ, or part to the place of another. syllables. We sometimes go to Merhiker(Herkimer) which is adjacent to I Lion (Ilion). We attend theEpiscolopian Church, and thereby hangs a tale. My family always saidthat we were Episcolopians and I mistakenly thought that was simply acase of putting the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble. (Remember the oldsong?) When filling out my application to Swarthmore College, Icarefully spelled out Episcolopian where it asked for religion. At thevery last moment I realized my mistake and had to erase the offendingword--no mean task when applications were filled out in pen and ink executed or done with a pen and ink; as, a pen and ink sketch s>.See also: Pen . Itleft not only a smudge, but a small hole in the paper. Nonetheless, Iwas accepted to Swarthmore. Sensitized sensitized/sen��si��tized/ (sen��si-tizd) rendered sensitive. sensitizedrendered sensitive.sensitized cellssee sensitization (2). to wordplay, our children often come up with accidentalexamples. At about the age of eight, our daughter Susan went walkingwith us on a local footpath. Before starting out she cautioned that wecould not walk there; a sign said Presbyterians Only. In fact it saidPedestrians Only. Another time I fell downstairs and banged my kneewhich rapidly swelled and became quite painful. The doctor opined that Ihad torn a ligament. With a straight face Susan asked whether, if I hadinjured my elbow, it would have been a torn armament. Embarrassed tothink that she had made such a faux pas, she insists to this day thatshe was only being funny. Another daughter learned to speak at a very young age and rarelyused baby talk. However, the two words she consistently mispronouncedhave become a lasting part of the family vocabulary: hankerfish(handkerchief) and fidgevator (refrigerator). Another daughter, lessarticulate at an early age, always wanted to ride the ahdeticker(escalator). Once in a while, we actually coin a new word. One evening when mychildren were quite small I served for dinner a dish composed ofmacaroni macaroni:see pasta. , hamburger, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, cheese and maybe afew other ingredients. When asked what it was called, I immediately saidslub slub?tr.v. slubbed, slub��bing, slubsTo draw out and twist (a strand of silk or other textile fiber) in preparation for spinning.n.1. glub and the word continues to be used in our family for any dishwhich contains a varied assortment of ingredients. FAITH W. ECKLER Morristown, New Jersey Morristown is a town in Morris County, New Jersey, United States. As of the United States 2000 Census, the town population was 18,544. Its estimated population in 2004 was 18,842. It is the county seat of Morris CountyGR6.

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