Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Skywatchers. (Americas).

Skywatchers. (Americas). ANTHONY F. AVENI. Skywatchers (2nd ed.). xi+411 pages, 130 figures,29 tables. 2001. Austin (TX): University of Texas Press; 0-292-70504-2hardback $75,0-292-70502-6 paperback $34.95. The sport was produced to accompany a travelling exhibition. 11experts contribute on various aspects of description and interpretation,including contemporary `survival' of the ancient sacred game inSinaloa and Michoacan, and two papers on the balls and production of therubber to make them, including a short piece of ethnography ethnography:see anthropology; ethnology. ethnographyDescriptive study of a particular human society. Contemporary ethnography is based almost entirely on fieldwork. oncollecting it. The catalogue of exhibits is illustrated marvellously butthe commentaries are short. Prof. AVENI has up-dated and expanded hiswell-known work (1980) on the astronomical as��tro��nom��i��cal? also as��tro��nom��icadj.1. Of or relating to astronomy.2. Of enormous magnitude; immense: an astronomical increase in the deficit. basis of astrology astrology,form of divination based on the theory that the movements of the celestial bodies—the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon—influence human affairs and determine the course of events. , queen ofMesoamerican sciences, and of so much of the ancient ritual life,including aspects of the ball game. The last chapter, especially, hasbeen enhanced to include comparisons with the Mediterranean and otherregions. The bibliography has been amplified very usefully.

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