Thursday, October 6, 2011

Single-letter words.

Single-letter words. "In Spanish," Mike Morton writes, "all of { a, e, o,u, y } are words. (Maybe 'i', too, if you believeGoogle's translator ... not sure I do.) Do any languages have allsix vowels as words? Do any languages have single-letter non-vowelwords?"Dave Morice is featured in the December, 2009 issue of GAMESMagazine The term Games magazine could refer to: GAMES, an American magazine about general games GamesTM, a British video games magazine List of games magazines and . His article (on pages 6-11) "Ultrapoems andHypernovels" describes many of his poetic efforts using variousliterary constraints. Word Ways readers are strongly urged to pick up acopy of GAMES to remind themselves of the vast creativity of ourKickshaws editor. Jeremiah Farrell Jeremiah (Jerry) Farrell (b. 1937), is an American professor emeritus of mathematics at Butler University in Indiana. He is well-known for having designed Will Shortz's favorite puzzle, the 1996 "Election Day" crossword in the New York Times.

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