Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sibelius acquires the assets of MIDIWORKS. (Items of Interest).

Sibelius acquires the assets of MIDIWORKS. (Items of Interest). Sibelius USA, Inc., the world's leading music notationtechnology provider, has acquired the majority of the assets ofMIDIWORKS Interactive of New Zealand New Zealand(zē`lənd), island country (2005 est. pop. 4,035,000), 104,454 sq mi (270,534 sq km), in the S Pacific Ocean, over 1,000 mi (1,600 km) SE of Australia. The capital is Wellington; the largest city and leading port is Auckland. , with MIDIWORKS' CEO (1) (Chief Executive Officer) The highest individual in command of an organization. Typically the president of the company, the CEO reports to the Chairman of the Board. MichaelAvery joining Sibelius as content developer. MIDIWORKS has gained a high reputation for its Composer Notesproduct, which is a world-class comprehensive teaching resource onCD-ROM CD-ROM:see compact disc. CD-ROMin full compact disc read-only memoryType of computer storage medium that is read optically (e.g., by a laser). for music teachers, particularly for composition andinstrumentation. Sibelius CEO Ben Finn said, "We are delighted to be able toadd MIDIWORKS' titles to the Sibelius portfolio. In addition toComposer Notes, a second title aimed at the primary and elementaryschool elementary school:see school. markets is nearing completion and represents an extraordinary andexciting step forward in teaching music to younger children." "I am thrilled to be joining Sibelius," said Avery."This is the team that is leading music software to the next level.Sibelius has set the benchmark very high and defeated the idea thatnotation is hard to understand or difficult to use." For more information contact Sibelius USA, Inc., at 1407 OaklandBlvd., Ste. 103, Walnut Creek Walnut Creek,residential city (1990 pop. 60,569), Contra Costa co., W Calif., in the San Francisco Bay area; inc. 1914. It is the trade and shipping center of an extensive agricultural area where walnuts are among the major product. , CA 94596; (925) 280-0600; fax (925)280-0008;;

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