Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The three Rs redefined for a flat world.
The three Rs redefined for a flat world. NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES TODAY OFTEN contain statistics oneducation in the U.S., but chances are these statistics won't pointout success. Nationally, public education is under great scrutiny. Theattention caused by Thomas L. Friedman's book, The World Is Flat,was intensified in��ten��si��fy?v. in��ten��si��fied, in��ten��si��fy��ing, in��ten��si�� To make intense or more intense: by Bill and Melinda Gates Melinda French Gates (born Melinda Ann French on August 15, 1964) is a former unit manager for several Microsoft products: Publisher, Microsoft Bob, Encarta, and Expedia. In 1994, she married Bill Gates, founder, chairman, and former chief software architect of Microsoft. , who appeared on a two-partOprah show that examined U.S. education. Gates is a big supporter of theSuccessful Practice Network directed by Willard Daggett. Daggettbelieves that educators are working harder than ever; however, he warnsthat preparation for the 21st century world requires a differenteducation model. His "Rigor/Relevance Framework" supports thechanges that have been forecast by Ohio's career and technicaleducators. Miami Valley Career Technology Center The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) is a vocational school in Clayton, Ohio. It serves Montgomery County and the Greater Dayton Area, as well as surrounding counties such as Darke, Miami, Preble, and Warren. (MVCTC MVCTC Miami Valley Career Technology CenterMVCTC Mon Valley Career and Technology Center (Pennsylvania)) hasincorporated these changes in its strategic planning Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. . How do we define rigor rigor/rig��or/ (rig��er) [L.] chill; rigidity.rigor mor��tis? the stiffening of a dead body accompanying depletion of adenosine triphosphate in the muscle fibers. ? It is the quality of thinking, not thequantity that defines academic rigor. Rigorous learning can occur at anygrade and in any subject. One definition of rigor is"difficulty," but just because something is difficult does notmean that it meets the test of reflective thought. It is possible topresent students with questions that are difficult but require onlysimple recall answers. Likewise, merely adding to the length ofassignments may make them more difficult, but this is not what isexpected in rigor. Academic rigor is learning in which studentsdemonstrate an in-depth mastery of challenging concepts through thought,analysis, problem solving problem solvingProcess involved in finding a solution to a problem. Many animals routinely solve problems of locomotion, food finding, and shelter through trial and error. , evaluation or creativity. How do we define relevance? We all know students who did wellacademically but lacked relevant skills for the real world. Rigorwithout relevance can enable a student to be successful in school butfail once he or she no longer has structure and guidance. Relevancerefers to learning in which students apply core knowledge, concepts andskills to solve real-world problems. How do we define relationship? The relationship component of careerand technical education (CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) The difference between the way two materials expand when heat is applied. This is very critical when chips are mounted to printed circuit boards, because the silicon chip expands at a different rate than the plastic board. ) is the element that keeps the studentengaged in learning. Ohio's career-tech educators have the abilityto accept the students for who they are, outline the work necessary forsuccess, and convince the students that they are with them every step ofthe way. The students respond with commitment to high levels of rigorouslearning in math, science and English. This commitment, along with therelevance of "why I need to learn this stuff," placesOhio's system in the forefront of high school reform. The nation's governors and business leaders have foundedAchieve to help states raise academic standards to prepare all youngpeople for postsecondary education, work and citizenship. Achieve'snational 2005 report, American Diploma Project, notes that for every 100ninth graders, only 18 graduate from college on time. More thantwo-thirds of new jobs require some postsecondary education. The reportadds that preparation for college or a good paying job demands the samepreparation in core subjects. The "Ohio Core" was introduced into legislation byGovernor Bob Taft Robert Alphonso "Bob" Taft II (born January 8, 1942) is an American Republican politician. He was elected to two terms of office as the Governor of the U.S. state of Ohio between 1999-2007. Taft started work for the University of Dayton beginning August 15 2007. (co-chair of Achieve) and is supported by KnowledgeWorks, Bill Gates' organization in Ohio. In its first draft, theOhio Core had the vision but missed the point in legislative language.The governor put the mission in terms and approaches he understood andwas comfortable with, but it is not in tune with the successful deliverysystems such as CTE. Highlights of the Ohio Core as first written were: four years ofmath, including algebra algebra,branch of mathematics concerned with operations on sets of numbers or other elements that are often represented by symbols. Algebra is a generalization of arithmetic and gains much of its power from dealing symbolically with elements and operations (such as II; four years of English; three years ofscience, including biology, chemistry and physics; three years of socialstudies; and two years of foreign language. The legislation spelled outa liberal arts liberal arts,term originally used to designate the arts or studies suited to freemen. It was applied in the Middle Ages to seven branches of learning, the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and the quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. education intended to provide general knowledge andintellectual skills, rather than more specialized occupational,technical, scientific or artistic skills for all students. This kind ofeducation has proven inadequate in the past and would not have preparedall students for 21st century competition. State legislators listened toOhio educators and looked at our success. As a result, contextual andintegrated methodologies will be incorporated, and foreign language willpotentially be rewritten in the Ohio Core as an elective electivenon-urgent; at an elected time, e.g. of surgery.electiveadjective Referring to that which is planned or undertaken by choice and without urgency, as in elective surgery, see there noun Graduate education noun . (CTE supportslearning foreign language at an earlier age.) The redefined three Rs, combined with 21st century technology usedat MVCTC and throughout Ohio's CTE programs, has resulted in anarray of innovative applications and knowledge that enable our studentsto enter postsecondary education or the job market with a high level ofcompetency COMPETENCY, evidence. The legal fitness or ability of a witness to be heard on the trial of a cause. This term is also applied to written or other evidence which may be legally given on such trial, as, depositions, letters, account-books, and the like. 2. . We all want the best education possible for our students,and we need to work together so that students will be well prepared forthe competitive future that awaits them. An education filled with rigor,relevance and relationship will equip them to meet future challenges andenjoy success in the new, technology-connected, "flat" world.The education experience must prepare our young people for their worldand not the world that was ours. John A. Boggers is superintendent of the Miami Valley CareerTechnology Center. He can be contacted at
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